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There are so many ways to kill yourself.

There are also a lot of reasons for it.

1.Slash open your wrists and wait for it to all go away.

2.Grab a gun and blow your brains to bits.

3.Drink poison.

4.Step in front of a train.


6.throw yourself off a building and go splat!

There's too many to list.

There is a lot to die for.

Die because of..


2.Sexual abuse.

3.Verbal abuse.

4.Too much grief.

5.Too much pain.

Suicide is a way out,An escape.

Depression and suicide are not signs of weakness.

Their signs of so much pain,grief,abuse,hate,shit.

And a sign you've been trying to be strong for to long.

The pain is drowning you slowly.

Taking you over.

Some people say suicide's a way to get attention but it's not.

It shows you need help.

I've been waiting for so long to have something to call mine,

someone I could turn to if I needed help but I have nothing.

No one.

No one can help me.

I've been through so much..

My parents abused me.

My aunt caused a heart attack to kill my grandmother.

My grandfather is slowly losing his sanity.

My brother is brain-washed.

My sister moved away.

My fcking friends are depressed too.

The people that were supposed be my lifelines abandoned me.

If I don't do it myself,My heart's probably gonna give out on me.

But I'm not giving up.

Anyone who says I'm not in pain,

should go through what I fcking went through and then they would see how bad it was.

They would be begging for help.

Nobody cares what happens to me.

Everybody says "rely on your family and your friends to help you!"


They can't.

One day I am getting out of this.

And I will make sure the people that didn't care will have their asses on the line.

You should never give up hope,I ain't preaching I'm not saying become a nun.

Don't do it.

I'm saying it might work out.

I made this to help someone.

I hope it helped.

Hold on,

Be strong,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2011 ⏰

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