The Shredder saves Catherine's life.

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Shredder POV

"Baxter!" The Shredder yelled crashing through the laboratory doors.

"Yezzz master? How may I be of servvvice?" Baxter asked flying down and landing before me.

"My daughter has been poisoned by Your new mutant! Emphis on Your mutant! I want a solution now!" I replied angrily.

"Thizz will take time. I muzzzst determine what is causing the effects and then try to create an antidote."

"Time is one thing you don't have! She's fading fast! Find a solution now!" I demanded with a frown.

"But Master...."

"I don't want to hear any of your excuses Baxster! I want results! Find a solution and when your done healing her create me someway to punish Zukankuzumi that will cause excruciating pain but will not kill him."

Catherine POV

"Yeszzz Master" Baxster replied. Turning his attention to me. A few moments after the Shredder left I awoke to find myself tied to a table in unfamiliar territory. Where was I? What happened? How did I come to be here? Why was I tied to this bed? My head was pounding and I felt extremely weak.  I immediately started struggling to free myself.

"Relaxzzz" came a weird sounding voice from somewhere in the room.

Relax? Were they kidding? How can could I relax when I was tied to a table in a laboratory with no idea how or why I had been brought there. "Let me out of here"! I yelled trying to free myself from the straps that held me down.
Shaking his head  Baxster flew down from the ceiling and landed beside the table. I froze in fear when a giant fly creature landed beside the bed. "Who are you? What do you want with me? Where am I? Why did you bring me here? Why am I tied to this table?" I asked starting to panic.

"Aszzz hard as this may seem to believe, I'm trying to help you. You are suffering from neurotoxinszzz that were injected into your blood stream during a battle with those pesky turtleszzz. Luckily the Master brought you to me in time otherwize you might have died. The Master will be relived to hear that you are recovering."

I looked at Baxster in confusion. "did you say the turtles did this to me?" I thought the turtles were my friends. Why would they intentionally harm me? "Oh my head... " I moaned.

Baxster POV

I aised an eye brow. This could serve to be of use to the Master. If the child had amnesia it was the perfect opportunity to try out my new mind control syrum.  "I will explain everything to you but right now I have to finish giving you the final antidote injection."

"Ok. Um what do I call you?"

"The name iszzz  Stockman. Dr Baxster Stockman."

"May I ask you a question?" The child asked sweetly.

"Of course, what iszzz it you wish to know?"

"How did you become a fly creature? Who is this Master you keep refurring too? Is he dangerous?"

"I was doing an experiment with DNA and the mutagen and due to an accident was spliced with Fly DNA. Aszzz for the Master, he would never harm you."

"How can you be so sure??" The child asked her face filled with both curiosity and confusion.

"Becauszze..." Before I was able to finish my sentence the booming voice of the Shredder filled the room.

"Time is up Baxster! Have you made any leeway in curing my daughter?"

"Yes Master however, there were some unexpected consequences zzz" I replied.

Shredder POV

"What do you mean there were consequences? Just what have you done to my daughter?" I growled grabbing Baxster by the collar.

"Your daughter iszzz fine Master. However, the neurotoxins caused her to have amnesia. She doesn't remember who we are. I've been able to convince her that the turtles caused her illness. She's confused and will believe whatever we tell her. Also, it seems that one of the side effects is obedience. She hasn't objected to a thing I've asked her her to do."

I released my grip on Baxster "you have done well for once. I want you to continue to monitor her condition and give me updates on her progress." With that I turned and left.

The Shredder's daughter a teenage mutant ninja turtles fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now