Suga Fluff

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I was bored and decided to write and my inner cheesiness came out in the process. Suga is my ultimate bias btw. I love him more than anything and it really screws up my social life and grades xD Just a little fluff. Enjoy :3

He ignores you while cuddling up with his precious neck pillow.

"Yoongi, look at me."

He opens one eye to glance up at you but then closes it and goes back to cuddling with his pillow.

"Min freaking Yoongi, don't ignore me." You say annoyed because you knew he was doing it on purpose to get on your nerves which he was doing well at the moment.

You kneel next to him then poke him repeatedly on his chest, trying to get him to pay attention to you but to no avail. Suddenly an idea pops into your head. Aegyo.
"Oppaaaaaa," you mew out while poking his pale cheek. You smile seeing his face contort into a grimace. He hated when you called him oppa because you were the same age with Yoongi being only a few days older than you.

He moved his pillow to cover his ears and turned away from you. At this point you were ready to just pour a bucket of ice cold water on him but you would then have to face the fatal consequences that would surely follow. You give up and start lightly drawing patterns with your finger on his back. As you do this he shudders and you smirk while drawing more patterns. You glide your pointer finger down the nape of his neck and across his shoulder blades watching his shoulders rise and fall with every breath he took. You bring your mouth to his ear and whisper his name suggestively then, swiftly, he turns around and pulls you down on the soft couch with him while throwing his neck pillow behind him. Yoongi proceeds to wrap his leg over yours and then puts his arm under your head, wrapping his other arm around your waist. With his nose almost touching yours he gazes into your eyes and finally asks in a husky voice, "What?", his warm breath fanning your parted lips, making you shiver. Getting caught up in his eyes you momentarily forget what you wanted to ask him but then you answer in a whisper, "I wanted to know what you want for breakfast."
He closes his eyes then snuggles into your neck, his hair tickling your throat, and says in a sigh, "Let's just lay here for a little."

Unable to say no you oblige, placing your hands on his subtlety toned chest then clutching at the soft fabric of his black shirt. Yoongi shifts his head so that your foreheads are touching. You open your eyes and find him already looking at you which makes your heart beat a thousand times faster. He glances down at your lips and then smirks, "I want you for breakfast." Your face heats up like wildfire which makes a light chuckle escape his lips. You lightly pinch him. Avoiding to meet his eyes you shyly let out, "Stop playing around you fiend."

He grins at the blush on your cheeks. Using his free hand to push your stray hairs behind your ear, he starts to softly tug on your ear lobe, "Your too cute." Your face was now bright red and Yoongi placed his hand on your cheek to feel the heat of it. He knew that you couldn't take compliments without getting really embarrassed so, being the jokester he is, he teased you with sudden comments at times. He moved his hand behind your neck and rubbed his thumb across the side of your throat. The gaze he held into your eyes was steady and strong which pulled you into his black orbs. You couldn't look away from the intense stare. He started placing small kisses on your forehead, cheeks, eyes and nose, using his lips to remember every inch of your face.

Yoongi then stopped and went back to rest his forehead on yours. You opened your eyes, curious as to why he stopped then noticed him looking at your lips and then glance back up into your eyes as if he was asking for permission. Laughing slightly at his weird sudden politeness, you nodded. He started softly pecking at your lips. Slowly he progressed into a more intimate kind of kiss that made your toes curl up and your stomach feel as if a horde of aggressive butterflies started a fight down in there. You stayed like that for a while, with your lips moving gently on each others. You both finally parted for breath and then stopped. Your stares at each other were full of sweet sincere emotion.

He made cute faces at you, causing you to giggle at his adorableness and make faces back.

"I love you," he breaths out with a smile. "But not as much as my lovely neck pillow," he jokes. You punch his chest while laughing and he grins.

"I love you too," you say back. "But not as much as food and reading and The Walking Dead and-," he lightheartedly shouts a YAA at you then says, " Geez, I get it already. Your so cruel to me," he pouts. "I get my meanness from always being with you," you retort while sticking out your tongue. He pinches your nose and you scrunch it up cutely, making him chuckle.

You both snuggle impossibly closer and close your eyes while you drift off into a little nap, missing breakfast.

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