Chapter 12

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A smile was plastered against his face.

"Happy birthday Hermione!" Draco yells.

"Thank you! I can't believe you remembered!" Hermione hugs Draco and he gives her a small box. She opened it found a small necklace with her in it. She smiled and gave him another hug.

"I best be off. Scorpius is calling me. I'll see you next time," Draco smiles and walks off. Fred comes walking in with George holding his hand. He kissed his little head.

"Who was that?" He ask happily.

"You look very happy today! Well it was Draco. He got me a necklace" Hermione smiles and takes George off of Free before he kissed George to death.

"Well today is a very special day. It's been a week since George was born and its your birthday" Fred smiles and kisses Hermione on the forehead. "Let's head off. The family will be waiting for us. Mum sent me an owl to hurry up." They both laugh. They walked outside and walked down to the shop just to double check everything. It had got really cold overnight so Hermione was holding on to George close to her.

They check the shop then apparet to the Burrow. The trio was bombarded by hugs from everyone as soon they stepped foot into the Burrow. Charlie and Bill had come home just for the occasion. Fred had only told Bill and Charlie what the afternoon held for the couple.

"Thank you everyone for coming tonight." Fred starts his speech. "I had met Hermione a few years ago. Around 9 years ago, that was a great day and now today is your 20th birthday. You are spending it with my family, you're first son and me. So I hope we can make your life happy. Everyone hook in." He says as he sits down. Everyone starts congratulating the couple and saying happy birthday when George fell asleep in Hermione's arms. Fred took George out of her arms and cradles him into his and George's old room which Fred, George and Hermione were staying in. He walks George up there and puts him to bed, kissing his head and walking outside very slowly. He had wrapped George in a few blankets and went downstairs. They had all finished lunch while Bill, Charlie and Hermione had waited until Fred had come back downstairs knowing Fred would take his time with his first born.

"Dig in little bro" Charlie say happily. They all start eating with conversations as the rest of the family go to the living room.

"So how have you both been holding up with little George?" Bill asks looking up at them both smiling.

"It's been great. We have been staying at home since I got home." Hermione says as happy as could be.

"I love having her home. We got to get take out and it was getting lonely." Fred smiles at Hermione. They both share stories and ask how things are going.

Two o'clock finally came around and they couple decided to go home. They both headed upstairs to grab George but couldn't find him.

"I put him right here. I know it" Fred started panicking.

"Fred breath it's alright. I'll go and tell Molly." Fred kisses Hermione on the head and starts pacing around the room. Hermione runs down the stairs and into the living room to find Molly holding George.

"I'm sorry Hermione that I didn't tell you. You would've been so worried. I know what Freds like." She looks up at Hermione and hands her her baby.

"Georgie, you worried me so much." George yawns and smiles at his mum. "FRED! I FOUND OUR SON!" She yells up the stairs. "Thank you so much Molly for lunch," Fred runs down the stairs and puts a smile on his face. He kisses Hermione on her forehead and hugs Molly.

"That's alright kids. Come again ok? Don't be afraid." She moves and hugs George and Hermione. The couple say their goodbyes to everyone and head back to their apartment.

When they got back Fred ran into their bedroom and brought a neatly wrapped box. He walks over to Hermione and hands it to her.

"This is for tonight," he smiles. Hermione's eyes light up.

"Fred you didn't have to, honestly you've already spoiled me enough. Like look at all these presents you got me! You got me pictures, stuff for the kitchen and soo much jewellery that a girl can only dream of."

"But Hermione, I did it for you. I've already made reservations so you can't back out now," Fred feels proud that he has spoiled his one true love. Hermione felt like a princess. Ever since George was born Fred couldn't love them both and he wasn't crying as much any more.

7 o'clock had come and Fred had taken Hermione and George to a special restaurant. He couldn't leave poor George at his parents because he didn't have the heart to leave George behind.

"Table for Weasley." Fred said to the lady.

"Ahh yes. Fred Weasley. Table for 2 right this way," the lady took them to a table next to the glass wall that showed the different coloured lights and fireworks. There was a fountain in the park across the street with lights glowing at the base.

"Fred it's beautiful. Words just can't describe it." Hermione starts to tear up.

"Well since it's so early in the evening, I want to ask you something." Fred gets a little box out of his pocket and gets on his knee. "Hermione I have loved you since the day that we met. You are my flower petal and I want you to be my flower petal until the day I die. So I'm asking you this one thing. Hermione Jean Granger, will you marry me?"

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