Chapter 1

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C'MON! You have GOT to be kidding me! 

I slammed my head against the wheel as I gripped it tightly. It wasn't even 7 am and there was already bumper to bumper traffic on the interstate. WHY?! WHAT HAD I DONE TO THE WORLD?! I looked up through the wheel and watched as the red tail lights began to dim a few miles down. I sprang up in contentment!

HOPE HAS BEEN RESTORED! I readied myself to let go of the brake, when suddenly, out of nowhere, something came crashing into my stupidity of a car from behind. I jolted forward and pressed myself up against my seat, trying to stay still. I quickly looked up into the review mirror and gasped. A white Camaro had bashed into my back bumper.

No, no, no, no, no, no!!!!!!

I undid my seatbelt and bolted out of my vehicle, rounding it to come out back. I looked at my bumper and sighed in some kind of odd relief. Safe! Not a scratch on my piece of scrap. However, I wouldn't be able to say the same thing about the Camaro. I let my eyes trail over the dammage and bit my lower lip, already measuring the costs all the repairs are going to sum up to. I couldn't help but wince when I imagined all of those zeros. 

Being a student, my life wasn't glamorous enough to have that much money. Something grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. I came face to face with a tall, broad shouldered good looking man. His brownish green eyes sparkled with what could have passed for hatred and anger. My mouth opened and closed a few times as I tried to assemble thoughts into a coherent sentence. But obviously, no such luck. 

"What's wrong with you?! Look what you did to my car!!" He shouted in my face. It was a loud deep voice that resonated through the air, slicing it to meet my ears. 

"What I did to your car? I'll let you know, you're the reckless one who doesn't seem to understand the concept of a brake and a gas pedal!" I snapped back indicating in the air with my hands the right and the left.

"Well you're the one who didn't advance when the others in front of her were moving ahead!" 


"Whatever. Give me your information. You're paying for this." He said showing his car. "You damaged her."

"How am I the one who damaged that... that..." as much as I wanted to insult the car, it was my favorite design by far. I couldn't. I just couldn't. 

"That what?" He took a daring step forward, a smug smile on his face. He had caught me with my own words. I groaned and pushed him back.

"I'm not giving you any kind of satisfaction." I said heading back for the driver's seat of my car. He grabbed my arm and twirled me around, making me bump into his chest. I looked up at him and swallowed with difficulty. He was a lot taller from up close. 

"Listen up you tiny piece of filth," He tightened his grasp around my wrist. "You're going to give me satisfaction either you like it or not." He said through his teeth. 

My eyes hardened and every muscle in my body tensed. Who was he to talk to me this way? Last time I checked, I lived in a free country in which everyone had a right to their own opinion and could negotiate civily. With all my strength, I ripped my arm out of his hand and took a step back. I continued glaring at him and made myself salivate a bit. Before he knew it, my DNA was all over his leather shoes. He looked down at them and snickered. Being too proud of myself, I didn't realize the crowd of people that had come around to watch what was happening. I heard a few gasps and murmurs about how "I was in deep shit." 

"Now that my filth is on you, we're equal."

"You don't even deserve to live right now." He said taking a menacing step towards me.

"Well you know what, your birth certificate is the apology from the condom factory." I said smiling innocently. His eyes widened and his whole face became a bright red.


"Goodbye now!" I said lifting my hand up in to the air and rushing to my car. Luckily enough, traffic had completely stopped and circulation was fluid. I hopped into the drivers seat and drove off, hurrying to school. 


Later that day, I was walking on campus, changing buildings and trying to not be late. As much as I loved psychology, I sometimes wondered why I was so determined to stick with understanding it. I clearly didn't understand the one I met this morning. Psh. NO! Sofie! Stop thinking about it! it's useless. 

My phone started to ring loudly in my pocket. I slipped it out and checked the caller ID. Mom. I sighed and accepted the call.


"Sofie? What is this about you damaging someone's car this morning?" She asked frantically.

"What? How do you know about that? It was only a minor accident!"

"Not according to the press and the news station!" Her voice rose to an unbearable level.

"THE PRESS AND THE NEWS STATION?! No one died for crying out loud!" I said feeling my heart speed up. "Who the hell decided to hit me?!"

"Well supposedly you purposely damaged a car belonging to the son of the man who founded our town!"

"Okay... first of all, 'purposely damaged' is completely out of this world. He was the one who decided to ram his car into mine!" I shouted on the phone. A few people passing by gave me dirty looks, clearly not understanding the truthful meaning of what I had just said. I covered the part in which you speak of my phone. "Not like that you pervs!" I said. I pinched the bridge of my nose and took off my hand. "Mom... I promise I didn't do anything! I was just-"

"I want you home right now."

"I have class!" 

"NOW!" And she hung up. Shit. What the hell was I supposed to do? This was going to be the fifth class I'd be missing. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and headed for my car. 

This was going to be interesting. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2013 ⏰

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