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What seemed like a normal day to Bill, turned out to change his life completely. When Bill Dawson got home after work, he started to suspect something very strange. He gets up top of his drive way, and already can tell, something is about to happen. He gets to his door, and opens it quick!

       “Hello?” Bill said with caution! No reply. Bill walks in searches the house. And nothing was there. So he assumes nothing’s going to happen, but when Bill goes outside, and hears growling. “ahhggghh”. He thinks it’s just a dog, but as soon as he looks into the trees and bushes, it’s no dog. It looks to be like a human, so Bill walks up to him, and says “sir. Are you okay”. As Bill said quietly. No reply. Again he says “are you okay”? the so called person turns around, and Bill notices, that its no human! The zombie turns around, and chases Bill. He’s starting to lose his breathe, but it might be the last breathe he ever took. Bill finally reaches his house, and SLAMS the door!!! Turns the lock, and goes in attic to get some supplies to make every door and window covered so no zombie could see or get in. Bill knows he has to protect himself, even though he only saw one, doesn’t mean that it’s the last of them. Bill goes up to his attic and gets wood, luckily he has all of his tools in the attic. He goes back downstairs, and starts to cover all the windows and doors, after that Bill decides to go back to the attic and look through the window. He could not believe his eyes, what started off with one, grew to about 20 to 30! He’s starting to panic! He knows theirs a door in the back. He looks through the crack and sees there are none. He told himself he was going to make a break for it. He sees his car and grabs his keys. He goes back to the door. And in 3,2,1! He runs to his car and sees a ton of walkers. He gets in his car, and drives away to his buddy Jarrod’s house. Who he has know since he was 6! Once he gets there he tells Jarrod. “Did you see those things out there”!. No! Jarrod says. Well let me show you! They go to Jarrod’s living room and look through the window. I can’t see anything! “Says Jarrod”. Just wait! Bill says. How long do we got-! Look! Says Bill. Oh my god!!! What the heck are those things!? There walkers. We have to find out more about them. Maybe we should go to Gordon’ place. He knows all about those things! He went to school for 5 years learning about all kinds of stuff. Then lets get a move on says Jarrod. They hop in there car and go to gordons! Once they knock on gordons door, there was no answer. ‘ok were breaking in’ says bill! They break in, and suddenly, they here groans! They go towards the basement, they open door slow and go down stairs, and they look around, when they see Gordon, but he isn’t the same! ‘GORDON’!!! Jarrod says as walker Gordon heads towards them, Bill grabs a hammer, and kills Gordon “what the hell is wrong with this world”!!! Bill and Jarrod have a little argument about where to go next! They both agreed on going to plaza mall! But to get in, they would have to get through the back, if they went through the front, they’d be eaten in seconds! They noticed instead going in the back, they saw a ladder on the roof, they climbed up, Bill went first to see if there were any walkers, it was clear. Lucky for them they found some weapons! They found a fire axe, a machete, 2 usp 45’s silenced, and finally a fully auto assault rifle. Theres a door which leads to the second floor, they go carefully. But Jarrod starts to hear strange groins, Jarrod says “ wheres that coming from”? Bill follows the noise, and it turns out to be a young male, “ HES BIT”!! Says Jarrod, we can’t take him with us!, if we do hel end up eating the both of us! Bill has a plan, he says to Jarrod “ we’ll wait for him to transform in to one of those things, and when he does! You chop of both his arms and his jaw, both of his arms because he can’t grab or scratch us, and to break his jaw, he wont be able to eat us, he’l lose his urge to eat both of us, but first we have to find some rope or chains, ill go see what I can find, says Bill! Bill goes back up to see if he can find some chains. He had no luck trying to find, but he noticed a dark shack in the corner of the roof. “YESSSS”!! Jarrod he says! I found something, Jarrod goes to see what Bill found. There is a whole stash of food, water, rope, chains, clothing. “we hit the jackpot”!!!! says Jarrod they both have a little bite to eat, and change up! They start hearing those groaning noises once again, lets go check whats going on Bill says! The male who transformed into a walker started chasing them both! Jarrod trips, and the walker is on top trying to eat that flesh! As soon as Jarrod is letting the walker get closer and closer….. poof!! The gun fires! “you saved my but again”!! says Jarrod. Hey! Anything to help! Bill says they shot then walker in the arm so that hes still living. Grab the machete Bill told Jarrod and cut those arms of! SLIT! SLIT! Both arms come off like a rapper off of candy, Bill finds a rock and puts the walkers face on it. The loud noise of the zombie trying to break loose, annoyed Bill and Jarrod! Bill crushes the zombies jaw so he won’t be able to eat them, they put him in a chain for the night, and Bill and Jarrod go to the shack and rest up for the day tomorrow. The next morning as Bill and Jarrod woke up, something seemed suspicious. As if they had been attacked! They both went outside to check what happened, nothing was wrong. Jarrod quickly un wrapped the chains from the pole, and him and Bill wrapped themselves in the chains with the zombie, and it didn’t attack, that means there safe and ready to go inside the mall to see what’s going on. So they both went cautiously down the steps, making sure none of the walkers popped out! 2 minutes later, they successfully made it inside the building. They could not believe their eyes, as they saw hundreds of them, or even more eating on human flesh! They didn’t want to take a chance of going out right away. So they took it nice and slow, ‘There is no way we can cut across here” whispered Jarrod. “Don’t worry we can make it” as Bill spoke with confidence. The two took it nice and slow across. The zombies noticed, but didn’t do anything. Because of the zombie they brought. But as soon as they made it across, unexpectedly, a zombie popped out of no where! And scratched Jarrod! “AWWWWW!!!” Jarrod screamed with intense pain. Bill turned around and shot the zombie, and ran back to the exit where they went back to the roof, but got followed by at least 20 walkers. Bill dropped Jarrod near the shack, and chained the roof door, so no one could get in! Bill went to check back on Jarrod. “How you feeling?” “TERRIBLE!” Jarrod mumbled with a loud moan as it felt like the scratch marks went deeper, and deeper into his skin. Bill took of Jarrod’s shirt to see how his back was. As Bill checked it out, he couldn’t believe what he saw! Marks toar threw the skin. As Jarrod’s back was bloody.” Please help me” Jarrod said with tears. Bill couldn’t, wouldn’t shoot his friend. Jarrod was like a brother to Bill. But what had to be done, sadly had to be done. Bill pulled out his gun and sadly had to shoot, as the gun got closer, and closer to Jarrod. “BAM!!” the trigger was pulled. “All those memories. Gone, because of those stupid things out there!” as Bill said with tears falling down his face. After what happened, Bill did not want to live on this earth anymore. So as Bill brought the gun closer to his head… he pulled the trigger. “POW” it was all over.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2013 ⏰

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