Elena's POV
I'm Elena Aisha Smith. Well, all my friends call me Elena so you can to. I'm from Chicago. Let me describe myself. I've got long blond hair and dimples. I'm pretty tall and I'm fair. I'm a sporty geek. I wear huge Ray bands glasses and I have pretty blue eyes. My situation is pretty common. I live with a single mum since she got divorced last Saturday and two annoying siblings. Adron is the oldest and Payson is the youngest. Well I'm 15 so I'm in high school.I attend Newark High School. This is how my story begins....
7th September, 2013
At Home.
Mum bursts into my room with an angry face. This only means two things: either she is drunk or I've really done it this time.
"Elena Aisha Ruby Smith"
Oh no, she even called me by my full name, that means I'm in big trouble now.
"Yes my dear mother that I love so much" I said with a sweet and mocking tone.
"Where is it?" she asked and looking at me as if she is gonna stick a knife in my throat.
"Where is what?"I asked.
"Don't play jokes with me young lady, I know you have my lighter. Now where is it?" She asked getting closer and closer by the second. She is not who she was. At first she was calm, strong and brave. She used to tell me never to give up anytime i was sad about something. But now she is a mess. Look at her, she looks like she was dragged in mud for three days straight and was hit my a moving train. Every time she gets arrested for doing something illegal or disturbing to the neighbors.She reeked of alcohol and her teeth were becoming black due to all the smoke. I'm sure the drugs are messing with her head.
"Mum" I said moving closer. "You have got to take a bath, brush your teeth, dress up nicely and find something healthy to eat. If you do all this, I promise to give you your lighter" i said in a smoothing voice
"You promise" She said in a childish tone. "I promise"
She quickly left my room and closed the door gently this time. Sometimes i feel I'm the only adult in this house even tho I'm the second born. I got up and went to bath. Today was the day. The day we changed our lives for good. Today is the day we were moving to LA.
2 hours later
"Payson, have you got your dolls?" Mum asked worryingly. After the shower and all that, She finally came back into her senses and started acting like the adult. We all rushed into the mini van with our suitcases and our bags. Mum had hired a driver to take us to the airport but she overslept so we are a bit behind schedule. When I say a bit I mean a lot. We run to the car and mum made sure all our stuff was in the car. She locked the house and handed it over to the buyers. I'm sure gonna miss the house. It had so many memories. "So long Marie" I whispered. Marie. That's what we called the neighborhood since it was built by a woman named Marie. I waved all my friends and looked away.
"Have you said goodbye to Blraine?" Payson asked as she was eating her cookies.
"Payson, for the millionth time it's Brian" I said in an angry tone. Everyone in the car knew my story.. Even the unknown driver. And the puppies. After our breakup, everyone found out about it. I started walking alone, eating alone and talking to the one person who has been there for me ever since I was in Kindergarten. Galia. I'm even texting her right now.
Elena: Hi
Galia: Hey :( So you are really moving?
Elena: Yeah I guess. Mum says it's for the best.
Elena's Diaries
JugendliteraturA new school, A new house, new friends, a new life. These are the things Santa got me for Christmas. Geez, He could not get me a car or something.. My mum got a divorce from dad and moved to LA with me and my siblings.. I was doing just fine until...