well, are they?

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éponine slammed the car door shut, but abruptly did a double take. it felt as though there was something missing...

oh, right... she thought. my purse. i'll probably need that.

she turned back around, retrieving it from the passenger seat before hearing a familiar voice behind her. she gracefully hit her head on the doorframe as she struggled to stand up properly.

"hey, éponine."

"ouch- oh, hi!" she answered sheepishly, abandoning her purse in the car once more. "are you going to courfeyrac's party tonight?"

he ran a hand through his hair. "yeah. by the way, i think you left your keys in the ignition."

she growled. how come she was forgetting everything tonight? she peered through the window and sighed. "oh. i better get them."

enjolras took a step back respectfully, observing as éponine struggled through to retrieve all of the various things that she had left. she slammed the car door and began to walk, exasperated.

he was going to open his mouth to mention something else, but she spoke quicker. "the lights will turn off by themselves."

he cleared his throat. "so... your hair looks shorter than usual tonight."
enjolras had always been one to notice the details in a person, which meant he obviously realized it when éponine's dark brown hair barely reached her shoulders now. "did you cut it?"

"yeah. well, i mean, i didn't cut it, someone else— you get my point." she flashed a smile. "your hair looks about the same length. as always." there was no doubt that she sensed the awkward tension among them.

they were nearing courfeyrac's front steps when he stopped her. "uh, you have an eyelash."

"reallt?" she was about ascend the stairs when enjolras reached out to éponine: his fingertips grazed her cheek as he gently brushed it off. at the worst possible moment, courfeyrac opened the door, and from his angle, it appeared as though they had been kissing. he leaned against the doorframe, startling éponine when she turned around.

there was a mischievous grin on his face. "hey guys!"

"hey there!" éponine graciously returned his smile. "this is your house, huh?"

"yup, this is where i live." courfeyrac pointed behind him and into the house, where joly and bahorel were visibly in conversation, holding red solo cups. "come on in!"

her smile faded in an attempt to appear relaxed. "pretty cool."

enjolras followed the two of them in, his gaze focused on the ground as courfeyrac smirked.

"all right, enjoy yourselves! get something to eat, get something to drink, okay?" he smiled and the moment they were gone, he turned to where grantaire was sitting, rushing over to him.

"oh my god, r, i think you were right," he beamed.

"about what?" grantaire maintained a straight face. "about cats being able to read our thoughts?"

"no! about éponine and enjolras— i think they're finally dating!" courfeyrac emulated marius gushing over cosette.

grantaire smirked, taking a sip from his drink. "you owe me fifty bucks."

"not yet." courfeyrac rolled his eyes. "i said i think."

meanwhile, in another area of the house, éponine glanced at enjolras nervously. "so grantaire was telling me about this sparkling wine that he drinks when he's at courf's. i thought i would try it, but i don't know how to open it." she blushed in embarrassment.

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