chapter 1

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Alice p.o.v

Another year but a different school, Another country. we've actually move around around a lot and it's not easy but I learned to deal with it. I live with my mother and father and my twin sister Sabrina. I'm older than her by 5-10 minutes but we're inseparable. We have brown eyes we're both 5 foot 6' we naturally have brown hair but Sabrina went all rebel by dying her hair red. Our family isn't rich or poor but our parent's work a lot so it's always Sabrina and I in the house.

" Hey Al, lets explore London" Sabrina asked

" sab, mom and dad aren't home and we just moved in like 5 minutes ago plus what if we get lost?" she rolled her eyes as she took a seat on the couch next to me

" hint's why we've got smartphones dork plus mom just text-ed us to get some groceries and to take the car cause it's gonna rain" she smiled oh how she loved the rain. We might be identical but we have what tells us apart she sings I draw she loved rain I loved snow then we have the things in common. We both dance we love to write and many other things. I just sat there lost in thought until Sabrina threw a pillow at me.

" oh sorry what?" I asked

" I said are you ready to go" she laughed

" yeah but be sure to put a sweater" she nodded as we both pulled our sweaters on I grabbed the car keys that were on top of the table and headed towards the door. Sabrina ran to the range rover as I shook my head at my odd sister. We sat there until the directions to the grocery store popped up on the gps screen. As I drove off I started to hum the song that was playing on the radio and of course Sabrina being Sabrina was sing loud and proud but that's just her. I'm not made for the streets of London. Everything is all backwards but, I must admit London is amazing.

Finally we had arrived in the parking lot parking the car close as we could to the entrance. We both basically ran towards the doors as people gave us weird glances but eh who cares.

"lets have some fun?" I asked gesturing towards the scooters

"oh I like the way you think dear sister of mine" she smiled as we got on and started going around the store putting random items of food into the basket.

" watch this" I called out to Sabrina she gave me a confused look but motioned her hand for me to to proceed. So I waited for my first victim. Ah here we go a blond teenage boy, , I speed of right in front of him and every time he would try to pass me i'd just blocked him and stayed at a slow and steady speed. He let out a frustrated sigh I think he's had enough so I moved and he breathed a "finally" and walked past me. I went where a hysterical Sabrina was at.

" so how was that?" I asked

" Amazing" she smiled as she clapped I took a bow

" thank you thank you, now lets pay and get the food home" I said sitting back down.


" so how was grocery shopping?" mom asked when we walked into the kitchen with multiple bags.

"fun" Sabrina and I smiled as she gave us a questionable look

" we got nandos for you girls" dad said as he walked in with four bags

"what's nandos?" Sabrina and I said at the same time we laughed even though it's happened more than once.

" I swear you girls are one of a kind in the town world" he shook his head.

" really dad the twin world" I asked

" or whatever you girls call it these days" he smiled and walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. we sat down and ate the most amazing thing I've ever tasted in life.

" I'm gonna go and finish setting up my room"  I told Sabrina who just nodded I walked up the stairs and passed sab's room and walked into my room my walls were purple with white stripes and pictures of my old friends hung off the walls, I walked towards the nearest box and took out my lamp that had black and purple dots every where. I had put most of my things up and ready all I need was to put my posters and books up on the shelves and my room is done but i'll put them up tomorrow or something cause i'm too tired. I walked into Sabrina's room where she was putting up her pictures.

" it sucks having to leave our friends and you cheer squad and my flag team down in new York"   she sighed 

" I know but it's what had to be done as long as we have each other we'll be fine wont we" attempting to cheer her up.

"I guess " she smiled

" so ready for a game of cod?" I asked as she smiled instantly i'm not much of a gamer but it's fun with her.

" is ed  sheeran amazing?" she asked

" obliviously" I laughed

" then let's go" she jumped off her bed and ran downstairs 

" okay dad i'm taking over the entire living room and x-box just saying" she put her hands up

" okay girls just don't stay up too late got that?" he asked

" yeah,okay" she mumbled 

" lets get this started !!" I yelled 

~   hey well first off thank you for reading the 1st chapter!!! i just want to inform you that we are 2 writers this chapter was written by dreamer the next one will be magical, we will revel our true selves at the end so let us know how were doing with the book we really would like your feedback okay love you guys 

love, Dreamer~    

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