chapter 5

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Alice's p.o.v

I laid in my bed feeling restless after last night dream I cant fall asleep. I get up from my bed and walk towards the window and open it up to let the cool air in, I just love it how my hair dances with the wind. I took a deep breath smelling the crisp London air as my mind calmed down. Silence I don't hear cars or people its really different here. I wish I was back in new York that my life wasn't so different. I wish my grandparents were still here I remember the last time I saw them the images of them giving me my necklace and my sisters bracelet.
Flash back

My grandparents weren't very well my sister and I sat next to them in their bedroom tears streaming down our face holding in our loud sobs.

"My little Ally belly this necklace was ment for your 15th birthday but under our circumstances we give it to you now it was my mother's then mine. And now it belongs to you never take it off it will protect you and Gide you" my grandmother utterly spoke as my grandfather took over .

" what ever you do don't ever forget who you are and who you can trust in time all of this will make sense I promise, don't lose the sight that you have " we weakly smiled I choked on my tears that kept falling

" I-i promise " I manage to speak as my voice cracked

" sab, this bracelet will do the same for you it was my mother's although I looked ridiculous wearing a girls bracelet I was all ways protected and it lead me to your grandmother " he looked directly at my sister red eye

" promise you won't let your heart lose its purity " my grandmother spoke

"I promise" she spoke stopping her tears and inhaling deeply. In a matter of seconds my grandparents passed with hands intertwined and smiles across their faces. They truly loved one another I looked at my necklace it glowed but my 5 year old self ignored it and held my sister as we walked out of their bedroom.

My lip quivered at the memory I still don't get the reason of those promises and the jewelry. Yet we don't take it off , I looked up into the night sky why must my mind go through so much ? I can do so little and take so much. I sat on the window seal and brought my knees up to my chest. My chin rested on top still looking out into the open were the hills stain with green and the trees swaying in the direction of the wind.its a nice view and a calming breeze rushed through my face. I shut my eyes to enjoy the coolness of the London air when I felt a ton of bricks fall on my body but I caught my self before I fell back. Without a thought I ran into the direction of Sabrina's room. She was laying drenched in sweat, whimpering and slightly shaking.

"Sab"I spoke as I shook her but no movement "Sab" I spoke a little louder at that point she jolted up and grabbed my hand I felt a bolt of electricity coursed through my body. Quick images of a lady in white and silver with diamonds type of headband along with some sort of creature standing next to her. I looked at my sister and saw a hint of blue in her eyes her skin had gone pale and both our breathing became shallow. my eyes widen as I held her in a hug to calm her down a bit, "you saw it didn't you, my dream", she told me and I just nodded. we were surprised on what just happen when i looked at Sabrina's bed i noticed a white feather. "Sabrina" I said as i grabbed the feather and showed it to her. "again what is happening" "I don't know but i have feeling that our dreams must be connect."

i stayed in Sabrina's room and keep a watchful eye on her and I looked over at her door and I see her dress she will wear for the party. I really don't want to go i'm only going to be an outcast, i'm not like my twin at all when it comes to this sort of things. I thought of ideas to get my self out of it, but I did promise them I will go, besides I can't wait to see Sab in a dress.

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