Chapter 1: My Fifteenth Birthday

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It never stops. Ever since I was born. It snows in our village everyday. I grew up used to it. Everyone else did. It always seemed odd that I was born during the time of endless snow. So my family agreed that I should be named Snowdrop. It's the name of white, snowy flowers that grow around our house. My room is filled with those flowers. It's everywhere in our house. Even in my brother's room.

My family is used to having snow a lot. My brother and sister always play in the snow with me. Everyday after school. We would play in the yard before my mom would call us to come inside for hot cocoa. I always like those times.

Almost every birthday of mine, we spend it at home. Never anywhere else. Which is odd. My brother and sister always have their birthdays with their friends and where ever they want to go. But never me. I always spend it at home with my family. And my birthday is always on a Friday so at least I get presents from my friends in school.

But one birthday changed everything.


It was the morning of my fifteenth birthday. It was snowing as usual. But the snow seemed lighter today. Not as much as the other days. I did what I normally did on weekdays. I got out of bed and prepared for school. I was happy it was my birthday. I would get more gifts from my friends today.

I went downstairs to greetings from my siblings and parents. And they all got me gifts. There were so many things I received from them. "Open them later! You still have to go to school! Hurry up and eat your breakfast!" my mom said. I was about to go brush my teeth when I remembered I left my notebook in my room. "I've got to get my notebook!" I shouted then ran up the stairs to my room. Then what I saw surprised me a little. A little light blue box wrapped with a yellow ribbon. And my window was open. Strangely, there was a trail of snow coming from the window, leading to the gift. I picked it up and slowly put it in my bag. "Hurry up Snowdrop! We're going to be late!" my sister shouted from downstairs. "Coming!" I grabbed my notebook and ran down the stairs. Then we left for school. We always walked to school. But the blue gift hadn't left my mind.

When we made it to school, I ran to my classroom. Most of my friends were there already. They gave me all sorts of gifts like books and teddy bears. I looked around and noticed that my best friend wasn't there yet. She was always in school before me. It surprised me that I was there earlier than her. Then she caught me by surprise. "Boo! Happy birthday Snowdrop! Did you think you were earlier than me? Ha! You're never earlier than me!" I turned around and saw her smiling with a pink gift in her hands. "Thanks!" Everything was normal until after school.


Hello there readers! I hope you liked chapter 1! It was easy to make anyway! I still have to think about a few things about the story though! It's my first story after all! Thanks for reading! See ya in the next chapter! :)

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