Untitled Part 1

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I'm going to apoligize now for shitty grammer and spelling because really this books conversations are ritten by me Tony Herbert or Tony. Any way i've started writting this at 22:01 exactly So i guess i'll say what this books about or a bit of it anyway.


This book is about a boy who's name is Krov Drakona. At the age of eight-teen he heds back to school after being suspended for a year. But this year hes in for a shock.

Chapter one: Krovy!?

Krov walks down to corry-door to his new class the class rooms name is class 17-G. As he enters the room every one stairs at him with fear. Krov"so every one dose know what i'v don well that will at least keep them safe for a while". As Krov walks to the back of the room he places down his bag and takes a seat.Krov" man i hope i dont get that teacher again for maths his such a bore his not bad just dos'nt keep the class fun like the English teacher i had last year well two years ago".The teacher walked into the class Room Krov has never seen her in the school before so he prepairs for the worst.Mis.Crow"Hello students im Mis.Crow and its nice to meet you all i'm going to be you'r teacher for all you'r subjects excluding side-classes" She looks around at all the students and she froze stiff at the sight of Krov.Mis.Crow"Boy with the tattoe on his neck please meet me after class is finished please and thank you".Krov knew what it was about he knew every thing she'll say to him after class.

The Bell wrong and all students but Krov left. Mis.Crow put her hand under her desk and pulled out a gun and pointed it at him. Krov staired at her with relaxed eyes and to her suprise he was sitting there camly.Mis.Crow"you'r not afraid even when theres a gun pointed at you?".Krov"what do you want". Mis.Crow was laughing histaricly saying"you about to die be shut down and you'r not even cuirease why? do you want to know why?".Krov relased a gentel breath Krov"fine".Mis.Crow Stairs at him and in a tense voice she exclaimed "you.. you'r that basterd of a boy who put my son is hospital for a month you twisted his arms nearly broke his neck and craked his nose you'r a monster why did they even let you back in and why could'nt my boy com back after he was ready that just dosent seem fair to me"Krov was trying to contain his anger and he said in a rough voice"You call me a monster and trethin to take my life and why because i deffended my three little sisters from you'r son and his friends trying to get there way with them so you would expect me to do what stay there and let them do what they want they were dogs of their leash i simply put them back in there cage"Mis.Crow drops the gun in shock as Krov gets up and walks out of the room with is bag on his back.

Krov was on his way to the office to report what happend but Mis.Crow was wating for him there. He knew what this ment she didn't want to lose her job as a teacher in the school.Krov went to his locker to back his bag for the upcomming classes as he opens his locker he hears people scream Krovy at him.He looks behind him its his three little sisters Hebe,Athena and Artemis. Hebe is the youngest of the three while Athena and Artemis are twin sisters. He was suprised to see his sisters around the school knowing that they were attending the school like his brothers are he doubtful he would meet any of them.Krov"why are you three around me if people figure out that were related ye'll get picked on".Athena"what do you mean people alredy know you and me are brother and sister"Krov wasent shocked at that fact because of how scary and smart she can be compared to other girls but sense shes still only 13 being the the older than Artemis by 17 second.Krov replyed"you'r fine i ment Hebs and Arty"Athena laughed quietly and agreed with him.

Chapter 2: Dead Blood

The last bell for the day went off and Krov went to get the books for homework out of his lockerhe walked home with hes sisters, when he was outside hes house he felt that somting was wrong. Krov"you guy's head in i'm going to head over to a friend's" hes sisters were in shock to hear that he wouldn't enter the house after coming home as Krov when to visit hes Friend he saw an ambulance and a firetruck heading twords his house he dropped every thing and ran home.When Krov got back the windows were shut the door closed and the gates closed but that cops were surrounding the house he heard screams and a bang.Then everything went black he couldn't see, he felt like he was falling in a endless pit of dread and despair.When he woke up he could see a Flying Boat with the letters G.S.H.B he didn't know what the letters ment even do he felt like he's seen them before.

A beeping noise whent through Krov's head when he woke up he was in a hospital. As he was getting up a man was standing in front of him with Red Hair and Blue Eyes he was wearing a dark coat wich was covering most of the man up. Krov"Who the fuck are you?" The man replied "how rude where u raised by devils?" Krov rips off the wires attached to him saying to the man "i said who the fuck are you" The man replied with a smile on his face"I'm God of course"as the man was about to continue a black hole opend up beside Krov a Black Figure with Green eyes peerd at Krov. Krov"and let me guess your the devil"The Green eyed shadow laughed and replied"Thanks for the comliment but im his daughter" Krov said out loud with a soft tone "whats next a fucking Dragon" silence went through the room Krov"dam" God"you wanted a dragon to appear" Devils Daughter"well then".Krov kills the conversation saying"what happend to me and were are my Sister's?" The Devils Daughter disappeared and God vanished into tin air. Krov"what the hell was that about".

A docter and Two Nurses rushed over to Krov's room to check on him because of his hear beat not being displayed, When the entered the room Krov was dressed and was about to jump out the window but the docter menshiond his sisters.

Krov Froze, he looked at the docter and closed the window, Krov rushed to the room hes sister's were in he saw the three of them with a white sheet over them.

Chapter 3:

Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge.

The next day Krov whent to school like he normaly dose but he could hear whispering from the people around him, they were saying he was the one who murdered his sisters, Krov wasn't suprised at what he saw on the bored in class unlike Mis.Crow, There was writting saying that the Russian misshab murdered his three sisters. As usual he took no notice he walked to the bottom of class and sat down staired at the bored and wen't on with the rest of the day. after the bell wen't off Krov was about to leave the school with the other students before he was grabbed on the shoulder and pulled back.

Krov turned around, behind him was the Schools Student president he looked at krov with a glare and a smile on his face saying "don't com in tomarrow you dont belong with a croud of humans you monster", Krov didn't bother giving him a reaction, he knew that no matter what he did what he was saying was true Krov was a monster in every-one's eyes but not to som to other's they tought he could be used as a wepon, but not just a creature thrown on the battle field but a but a man who could slay Gods they thinck he might be the next Titan.

As Krov walked home mistirious People walked in from of him they were wearing Black Robe's and had no faces but one of them had Green eyes. Krov stared at the one with green eyes trying to remember were has he seen her before when he relized he said "aren't you the devils daughter who i meat in the hospital yesterday"? All of the other shadow's vanished but the devils daughter She replied so Krov saying" Just call me Sage Lucifer for shory or just Sage".

Krov"so your name is Sage Lucifer....... i've heard wierder" Sage"your Name is Krov Drakona and your fucking saying my name's wired hypicrit" Krov"sorry i had a fucked up family" Sage" well yea its fucked up sense your the only one in it now". Krov froze when she said that to him she continued muttering to him with out relising what she said Krov walked by her and went into the church,as he enterd he was hit by a shock of electricity Sage explained to him that he's undead.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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