5. It's Time

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Elena's POV
As I stand out side my double doors after I came down stairs cause I have to walk through the doors, I started to feel a bit sick maybe a bit nervous, every single part of me started to shake, I could not believe it I could not believe that soon I'll be Queen I'm already the chosen one, when I was born I was born as the chosen one and now I'm going to be Queen, Queen Elena no actually Elena the 1st Queen Of New Orleans yes that sounds good more than good,
"Ladies and Gentlemen now is the time for the new Queen to be crowned, the most powerful and beautiful of all time also the chosen one out of the Witches Elena Petrova" I heard Max announce, the doors open and I look up to see loads of people look at me, as I start to walk in I start to realise that more and more people were looking at me, the girls stared at me with jealously and the guys just stared at me with a look that said 'good I just want to fuck her right now' but there was one guy who caught my attention, the guy I swear I saw before he had an bad-ass look to him and most definitely smoking hot in those tucks, there something about him that attracted me to him, I stare right at and he looks back at me giving me eye contact, his icy blue eyes burned into my warm brown eyes and suddenly he smiled at me it was a sexy smile that guys try to do but don't succeed doing but he did, his smile lifted up mostly on his left side, I smiled back but I couldn't help blushing that he noticed me.

I take three steps up the steps and stand on top of the stage in front of Sir Johnson Hamilton he held a crystal ball and a metal pole, behind him was the Diamond crown,
"Elena Petrova to be Queen you must think of this town before you, think of this towns safety before your own, to become Queen you must protect this town in all your power, in all your might and strength" Sir Johnson Hamilton picked up the crown and I kneeled down so he could put the crown on my head, after that he gives me the crystal ball and the metal pole, I turn around to look at all the people behind masks thinking who might be a Vampire who might be a Human who might be a Werewolf or a Hybrid or a evil Witch or someone who wants me dead STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! god Elena your scarring yourself stop it this instance no one will allow that to happen even Max wouldn't I clear my voice ready to say my speech,
"I thank you all for coming you all look dashing I know it's a bit hard right cause I've never done this before in my whole life the whole 1 million years I've been around I just wanted you all to know for 7000 years I have been protecting this town for and I would do anything to save this town if all your lives were at risk I would save you all by putting mine at risk even if ment that I had to die I would cause you are all such fabulous people it wouldn't make a difference if one died but it would make a huge difference if the whole town died, that's why from now I will not let Vampires, Werewolves, Hybrids or any other monster in the whole world come into this town and do what ever they like kill who ever they like today it stops now Humans have a no right to live in feat for their whole life that's why it stops now" everyone cheers and claps as I put down the crystal ball and metal pole and I walk of the stage,
"Lets cement this night with a Dance" Max says as people grab their partners on to the dance floor.

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