Chapter 4

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"Jude, move over, you're taking all the room!" I tell him as we peer through a crack in the door at Isabelle and Mark.

"Oh, well I'm sorry!" Jude tells me, annoyed.

"Jude, I can't see either." Axel says, backing me up. Or maybe he just wants to make sure nothing happens between Mark and Isabelle, just like I do.

"Here, I'll move." Shawn tells us.

We all peer through the crack just in time to see Isabelle lean over and kiss Mark on the cheek.

She says something, and closes the door.

As soon as her door closes, Mark falls to the floor, shocked and we fall through the crack in the door, everyone landing on top of Jude.

"Get off of me!" Jude exclaims.

"Karma's a bitch, right Jude?" I ask him, referring to him hogging the whole crack in the door.

"Oh shut up!" He tells me, but he's laughing.

"Oh, hi guys!" Mark smiles dreamily at us. "Normally I would ask you why you were in my room spying on Isabelle and I, but I'm too happy to right now."

"Oh, come in lover boy." Jude smiles and we all pile into Mark's room.

"I can't believe you asked her out before me or Axel could!" I snap. I know that Axel was planning on asking her out earlier today.

"I'll be a good friend and try not to steal her from you, but as soon as you break up, she's mine." Axel tells Mark.

"Not if I get to her first." I say.

"Fine by me, I think she really likes me!" Mark tells us. "I mean, she did kiss me." He adds.

"Yeah, but on the cheek. Hasn't Victoria kissed you on the cheek?" Axel asks. He's jealous, but so am I.

Mark blushes.

"Whatever guys, let's get down to business." Jude says.

"What business?" Axel asks.

"Where did Coach Travis send you and Austin today? And why did Austin seem so angry until you guys got back?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, I was wondering that too." Shawn tells Axel.

"Me too." Mark nods.

If I am not mistaken, Axel's blushing. Very faintly, but yes, he's blushing.

"Oh, it's a long story." Axel says.

"Come on! You can tell us!" Nathan says, his head popping into the room.

"Nathan! You're finally here! What were you doing?" Shawn asks.

"Running laps, of course! What else?" he tells us.

"Oh, yeah, your nightly jogs." Jude says.

Nathan nods. "Anyways, Axel, spill!" He tells Axel, taking a seat next to Mark.

"It's not my secret to tell, though! It's Austin's!" He tells us. "All I can tell you is that Austin was really pissed with me and now he's not. If I say any more, I'll be telling Austin's secret." He says.

"It's okay, I wouldn't want to invade Austin's personal life." Mark says. We all nod, even though, secretly I just want to know.

"Oh, I forgot to say, I brought the magazines you asked me for, Nathan." Shawn tells Nathan, pulling out a bunch of magazines with girls in bikinis on the cover.

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