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London, Madison Gale Avenue, 1:30 p.m.

She sat at the last booth, her cheapest glasses fixed in front of her eyes and a simple green sweater and black pant on her body.

She scanned the coffee shop, her mocha untouched.

The door jingles and a man, probably a few years older then her, walked inside, smiling widely at the barista and grabbed a coffee right off the table.

She continued staring at him, drinking him up, hardly noticing him staring at her too.

Before she could say anything, he walked up to her and sat down, smiling.

"Hey," he had a pleasant voice, "have I seen you around, anywhere?"

And finally after so long, Lilith actually smiled.

"No," she said quietly, "I hope not."

The man smiled. Lilith stared at her coffee, her stomach churning, but she ignored it. With confidence, she took the small cup in her hands and took a long, hot, sip.

A/N: Yeah, yeah. There's a boy. Get over it. I couldn't help myself. Anyway, how'd you like the update? Wanted her to feel how its like to be normal XD. K, hope you likey!

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