Chapter 1

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like I have said once you have been on many tours it sort of  begins to lose its charm but something tells me that this tour is going to be very different and definitely worth going on even though I really do not want to go. for you see my older brother is very protective of me but we are both wolves which is rare and no one knows this tiny little fact apart from me and my brother jacoby. however I think I may have found my mate who is 19 and also just so happens to be my brothers best friend xavier who is a vampire.

So that doesn't bode to well for me as he kind of doesn't like me very much he barely puts up with me but gets on extremely well with my brother without a problem what-so-ever so I really don't know.

Paraphs its just because he's my brothers best mate and he knows my brother Jacoby probably would never approve of his best mate Xavier being with me his precious little sister.

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