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We all sat down and started eating like and I got a table which was a two seater like the rest so of course Daniel, Jai, Beau and James scooted a chair up to ours

I didn't mind though

"Ew you got strawberry" Jai said I glare at him

"It's the best type" I roll my eyes James high fives me

"True" I nod agreeing

"Whatever" Daniel takes a huge but if ice cream his eyes go wide and he grabs my hand taking my thumb and shoving it in his mouth touching the roof of his mouth

"WHAT THE FUCK" I say confused and a little amused

"When you get a brain freeze you take your thumb and put it to the roof of your mouth and it goes away he puts my hand back on my lap

"Why didn't you use your thumb?" I ask

He shrugs "I don't no really"

I give him a weird look and we all laugh  as I whipped my hand with a napkin

We finished our ice cream and started walking to the car I ended up sitting Luke's lap again I didn't mind though but Daniel got a phone call saying his mom wanted him home and his house wasn't far so he was dropped off I didn't think of moving

I didn't cross my mind honestly

I was just on my phone doing random things so was Jai and I guess James was to because he wasn't talking either maybe Luke was to I couldn't really see

My phone buzzed

Luke:are you cold?

I tried not to laugh because I was

So I obviously replied yeah since there was no hiding it I was shaking and my teeth where chattering lightly

He kinda laughed behind me and then wrapped his arms around my waist almost holding me it actually kept me warmer so I was old with it

He leaned back which made me then back on him my body was slanted to if I turned my head it would probably be touched his so I kept my head straight but couldn't help but smile he was so cute

I felt his muscles contract and move when he would move and it was hot

I felt him put his head against my back

Soon we stopped in front of my house "I wasn't sure if you wanted to go...oh I'm home" beau looks back as he noticed Luke and I which wasn't a big deal

I sit up "yeah uh do you guys wanna come in? My sisters roommate is probably only there but we can go to my room?" I say as Luke lightens his grip around me

They stayed tell and why nots

We all out out and I walked them to my front door I opened it and Mark was shirtless on the couch I roll my eyes and walk past his "Ignore him he's an ass" I say

The guys follow me past him surprisingly did say anything back we went up the stairs and I opened my door "this is our room in our house" Jai and Luke say at the same time

"Cool" I say kicking my suitcase over

"It's actually really boring here you guys can leave if you want" I shrug they don't reply they just sit or lay some where

"Weird I can see inside our room from right here" Jai laughs

"Oh great I'm gonna change in the bathroom everyday" I laugh

"That's smart"James and beau agrees we all laugh and nod

"When does your sister get him?" Jai says smirking

"One I don't no two she'll never sleep with you and three she's a bitch if you meet her you'd hate her" I say sitting on my bed

"I bet she's even hotter up close" he says ignoring me

I roll my eyes

"Wanna watch tv?" I ask ponying to an old flatscreen that was mine the summer I was here a few years ago

"Sure do you have Netflix?" James asked

I nodded and he excitedly grabbed the Xbox controller searching through movie

I got up and kicked off my shoes and put socks on

I was getting dark and the light in the middle of my room was the only light source that let us almost see each other because it was that bright but James did oil on a movie and he turned off the lights

So I couldn't see anything except the light coming from the pictures on the tv in the middle of the wall I front of my bed since my bed was side ways to the wall like three people could fix almost comfortably

So on my bed was Me then Luke then Jai in front of us was beau and James

"Wait is this a scary movie?" Jai asked

Jame nodded "I hate scary movie you no that" Jai fake cried

"Come. Let me hold you child" beau opened his arms Jai jumped up and say almost on his lap I couldn't help but laugh

"Do you like scary movies?" Luke whispered in my ear which scared me but also sent shivers down my back

I blushed and leaned this ear "not at night they freak me out" I sorta laughed to make it not sound as loserish

He smiled "me either" I smiled and looked back at the movie

Since is was starting you no how scary movies start where it was that annoying music then it just kinda goes into a nice family's living or something well that happened and I hated it

Fuck I hate scary movies

It's been like 10 minutes nothing really scary happened yet but now the little girls about to be taken over by a like a something creep and it freaking me out

I ended up scooting closer to Luke with out him noticing

I wasn't paying attention but something happened where that creep ass music happened and I screamed along with Jai and beau

I blushed really hard and Luke laughed I glared at him he just chuckled more

"It's not funny" I whispered and he just shook his head

I took a chance that iid not really care to risk Per se I leaned against Luke, like my headers in his shoulder kinda he didn't really react he just put an arm around my waist

The movie was getting all suspenseful with the again creep ass music and I started covering my eyes but I wanted to watch at the same time

So I ended up just closing my eyes Luke was really warm so I focused on that like his arm that was really nice if you ask me was comfortable around me and I could feel his heartbeat go skittle fast even no I was on his shoulder

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