New Beginnings

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I looked out the window of the car as Chase, my older brother, and Eli, my younger brother, argued over which Dr. Pepper was theirs. We were on our way to a new house in Round Rock Texas. I sighed. "This is going to be great." I said under my breath."
When we pulled up to the house, we all sat in the car in awe for two or three minutes. Usually, since we move alot, our houses are complete dumps and I have to share a room with both my brothers. Chase is fine. He's pretty quiet. But Eli is a mess! He's loud and crazy and always has a girl over.
"5 bedrooms, an office, two full baths, one half bath, a basement, an attic, a family room, a living space, a 2 door garage, and a kitchen with a stove and a fridge, and the sorts." Mom said before sighing. "Why is it so.... BIG?" Eli said.
"Well, sweetie, your father got a new job here, and we wont have to move for a while now. We hope that your father and I will only move again once you move out, Ellie."
"Mom! Dont call me that!"
"Oh, oh right sorry Eli."

I walked upstairs, holding onto the dainty banister, thinkink it might break if I lay my hand on it too roughly. There was a room at the end of the hallway. The only room. I walked in slowly, as the sunlight that peaked through the balcony windows danced on the large room's wooden floors. My mind churned with ideas of where to put my bed and how to decorate, as dad taped my name to the door.
I took a few more steps in and looked to the left of the room which contained a door that led to a bathroom with a full bath in it.
Fom behind me, I hear Eli complain to dad.
"Dad! I wanted that room!"
"Your sister is older and needs some privacy. You get the room downstairs next to Chase's."
"Why doesn't Chase get this room? He is older than all of us."
"Because Chase doesn't care, and Kaylia does, so that's that. Go see your room. If you don't complain again, I might be able to get a tv in there..." dad said wriggling his eye brows at him. Eli gasped like the child he is and ran down stairs. Dad looked back at me. "He is NOT getting a tv. But you might," he said, putting his hand on his hip.
"Really? Why?" I asked, dubious of his decision.
"You've been a great help. And I think you'll be making alot of friends here, so you'll be needing a tv." He said logically.
"Hmm..thanks I guess."
"SUPPER!" Mom yelled to us.
"She cooked?" I ask dad, who shrugged.
Mom wasnt the best cook ever. She burnt down one of our houses before. And another time, she gave me food poisoning. I shuddered at the thought. I sighed in relief as I saw the pizza boxes splayed out on the table.
I ate a slice of pizza before throwing my flip flops onto my feet and asking dad for some money to run to the store. "Don't. Spend. It. All." He said sternly as I nodded before half-running to the front door.
"HAAPP!" mom said, signaling for me to stop.
"Take Eli."
"Why, mom!"
"Because he needs to get around too, Kay."
"Uggg! Im not gonna make any friends because of him!"
"No. Complaining." Mom said, ripping a box open to set out some pictures on a shelf.
At Wal-Mart, I got some starbursts and a few suckers. Eli grabbed hot fries, skittles, and Gatorade. By the check out centers, I grabbed two Aquafine waters.
We waited in line behind a really cute guy and what seemed to be his mom. He laughed at something his mom must have said. It was a super cute laugh. His smile was so perfect. I really wanted to go up to him and talk to him.
Suddenly, Eli walked up to the cute guy. He must have noticed my staring. He looked up at him and said "Dude, that girl in the blue jeans and white tank top thinks your hot." Then he walked away. I turbed a burning red colour. Even I couldn't tell if it was out of embarrassment or anger. I can't believe Eli would do that to me. The guy and his mom left the store. Eli walked over to me and laughed. "You're welcome, Kay." He said, sneering.
What I wanted to do was walk over to him and rip his sneer off his undeserving cheeks and then quite possibly break both of his arms off and commence slapping him in the fae, screaming "why're you hitting your self?"
But since we were in public, all I did was smile at him and whisper very quietly two letters through clenched teeth. "T.V."
He swallowed and asked me if he could hold all the bags on the way back, which I gracefully allowed him to do. Once home, all my furniture was in a corner of my room. I pulled everything around and finnally ended with my desk by the bathroom door and with my bed by the window. My white drapes hung down over either side of it. My dresser on the wall by the entrance door and a small green area rug by the foot of the bed. My bookshelf was on the other free wall. I was done by 6pm. I was exhausted, so I showered and went over to my bed in just an oversized shirt and fell over on my bed, falling asleep quickly.

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