The New Guy

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Hey guys !! Sorry if there are grammar mistakes . I'm only 12 ..I will try my best haha hope u enjoy :)

It was another day for school and the hallway was filled with students talking . I made my way to my locker , Locker 2401 . Lucy Abringham had been next to me last year but as her father had gotten another job she was forced to move to Greenland . I wondered who would be next to me . I heard that a new guy from Korea was migrating here and was coming to this school . I wondered what he would look like 



The bell rang loudly . I could here everyone shuffling their feet to get to class . I slammed the door of my locker and ran upstairs to get to my English lesson with Mrs.Andy . I wasn't looking where I was going and then suddenly I bumped into someone . I fell to the ground with a thump and screamed in pain . I looked up and saw a boy in blond hair looking at me with a worried expression . He held his hand out to help me . I took his offer and pulled his hand to help myself up . I mumbled a sorry and started picking up my books . He also bent down to help me with my books"Hmm.... He doesn't look like his from here ..." I thought to my self quietly . As soon as my books were off the floor I stood up and I saw that the guy was scratching his head. I laughed and said "Hey are you the new guy here ?" "Yes , I'm from Korea my name is Kwon Ji Yong . Nice to meet you . What's your name my lady " he wiggled his eyebrow . I laughed loudly and introduced myself ," My name is Sam Greenes nice to meet you oppa ! "  


We grinned at each other . His smile caught my attention . His smile was beautiful and bright . It made me bubbly all inside . As I left to get to class , Ji Yong oppa caught my hand and pulled me back . "Umm... Sam ....I'm .... kinda lost . I'm supposed to go to grade 6 English class with Mr.Beanie . Could you help me ?" I put my arm around his shoulder and said , "Sure oppa , I'm going there too ! Looks like we'll be in the same class .. HAHA how fun ." I led him up the stairs and pushed open the door to the classroom . "Thousand apologies for my lateness Mr.Beanie" I said as Mr.Beanie was halfway through writing on the board . "I see you have made a new friend Sam . Well why don't you two sit together ?" I nodded my head in agreement . Ji Yong nodded his head excitedly as he had not made any friends yet . The girls in my class glared at me in envy .

I ignored their cold stares and went to grab my seat beside Ivy , the smartest and funniest girl in class . Ji Yong tip toed quietly beside me and winked at me . I tried my best not to laugh out loud at his gestures . He was making jazz hands at me the whole lesson , he even danced on his sit . I stared at him in awe . Ji Yong was a handsome boy , he danced well and it was something about his smile that made me comfortable with him . Since that day , I felt that Ji Yong and I could be good friends . So I invited him to all my parties with my friends and ate with him during lunch . Ji Yong loved k-pop and the more I spent time with him the more things I found out about him . Most of the things he did made me laugh and snort loudly . I knew that he was a special part of my laugh and was now my good friend .

Sry if it's short I have homework to do so byeee haha NICE TO MEET YOU VIPS

Sry for the short first part Ill update soon I promise =D

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