Chapter 16

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Chapter sixteen

“Why is it not surprising that Tom is flirting with my gym members?” I laughed as Ray and I walked into my gym.

I watched in amusement as Tom increased the speed and inclination of the treadmill he was practically sprinting on as he grinned at the woman running on the treadmill next to him. Tom was a good looking guy. While, at first glance, the most domineering feature of Ray was his build and how sturdy he was, Tom’s domineering feature was his charismatic personality. It practically oozed off him as though he perspired charm instead of sweat and the woman on the treadmill was falling for it hook, line and sinker.

I was actually quite intrigued to see how this would turn out, so Ray and I stood to the side as we watched Tom run faster which only resulted in him sweating more and his defined muscles bulge as his arms swung back and forth. The woman’s eyes were flickered from the screen in front of her to Tom’s body and as soon as she looked up at his face he winked and smiled. That small gesture was enough to make the woman lose her footing on the treadmill and sent her flying back against the wall behind her.

My eyes widened and I was already starting to take a step forward to see if she okay when Tom caught me by surprise and purposely copied her. His fall was obviously premeditated as he was sent hurtling down against the wall next to her, effectively taking away some of the embarrassment from her. He landed with an ‘oomph!’ but looked over at her breathing hard and sent her a crooked smile. “So... come here often?”

I stuffed my fist in my mouth as I burst out laughing. I was practically choking on my laughter at how seriously he asked her without so much as a hint of embarrassment that they’re sprawled on the floor against a wall with their treadmills still whirring. “Smooth, isn’t he?” Ray chuckled shaking his head.

“I have to give him credit” I laughed wiping a tear from my eye as random shudders of laughter wracked my shoulders. “He’s good. I’m so glad he doesn’t affect me... that fall looked painful”

That made Ray finally burst out in laughter and he kissed the top of my head. His laughter caught Tom’s attention as he looked up to see us with a cheeky grin. He stood up and helped the woman up as well, but before walking over to us he flipped her hand over and kissed the back of it.


“Well, if it isn’t the love birds! How’s my godson or goddaughter coming along?” My smile dropped and I shot him a dead panned face before looking over to a blushing Ray who was glaring at his best friend.

“Shaw... my leg may have been shot and is recovering... but there is nothing wrong with my fists” He warned Tom. Tom raised his hands in defence but his smirk showed he was holding another comment back.

I simply watched them with an amused grin playing on my lips. “Boys, boys we have work to do” I playfully chastised them.

“Oh, already getting told off by the girlfriend. Looks like the Beauty has put the Beast on a leash” Tom laughed before making whipping noises. I rolled my eyes and Ray grumbled under his breath. Where does Tom seriously get these comments?

“You ready Ray?” I asked throwing my baggy tank top into my office so I stood in a sports bra, leggings and running shoes.

“Always” He replied stretching out his arms across his body.

I could tell that even though Ray was fit now, he used be even more fit before his injury. Having had to stay in shape for such a long period of time his muscle memory would help a lot to get him back into the same fitness level or maybe even better within a shorter time period. I instructed him and helped him throughout his training and most of the time he didn’t need it. I just liked hovering about him. Tom, who had ‘helped’ at the beginning, was now back to flirting with another woman seeing as the first one had already left. Probably from a bruised tailbone... and dignity.

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