Chapter 5

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I moan in protest as i feel small hands neid my back. Trying to wake me from my well needed sleep. I roll on my side trying to swat away the intruder. Only to hear a giggle and padded feet.

" Allyi I'm hungry" Eemmi whispered.

" Baby go back to bed. I'll give you breakfest in the morning" I mumble stuffing my head in my pillow.

" But Allyi... It is morning"

" No baby, Its not. Its only.." I pause to glance at the clock as i realize i had overslept, missing half a day of classes and the morning shift at the bistro. Rubbing my hands over my face, I decide it was pointless to go now. So I turned to Eemmi, picked her up and sat her in my lap.

"How about instead of going to school today we go and get some breakfest and visit mom and dad?" I ask her. Imediatly her eyes brighten at the idea of warm food and our parents. She nods her head vicously.

" I guess that's a yes huh?" I said tickeling her. She giggled a yes out beween breathes. Making me laugh at her cuteness.

" Well then, Go get dressed while i make a few phone calls." I told her, Placing her feet on the ground. She nodded and padded off to the bathroom. Grinning at my little bug i got out of bed. Looking for my pants from last night i found my phone. I dialed the school. Telling them i would be over later to pick up my absent work. I also called into work apoligizing for my absence. My boss took it fine. Knowing my lifestyle she let it go, a;so giving me the whole day off . My last call was to Clover telling her i was alright and not to worry. That me and Eemmi where taking a day off. When i knew that Clover would get the message i went to my closet. Grabbing a white v-neck shirt and my black peacot jacket along with a pair of jeans i changed. I brushed my hair as i checked over my make up. When I felt I was acceptable I went to the lving room looking for Eemmi.

" Eemmi, Are you ready?" I asked, looking around for my car keys that had disappeared. When I couldn't find them anywhere I huffed in frustration shoving my hands into the pockets of my jacket, only to touch something cold and smooth. Whipping my hand out I studied the object to find they where my keys. I scrunched my brows confused on how they had got there, but qouickly dismissed it. I had probably picked them up without noticing. Shaking my head to forget I called for Eemmi again.

" I'm Coming sissy" She said as she clumped down the stairs. I studied what she wore making sure it was acceptable. A purple flowery fress with black tights.

" Are you sure you won't be cold Eemmi?" I asked raising my eyebrows to show I wanted an honest answer. She nodded her head held out her hand.

" We are not leaving this house until you grab a jacket missy." She nodded at me and dropped her hand as she raced up the stairs grabbing her white coat and mittens along with her beanie. When she came back down she held out her hand for a second time. This time I took it leading her outside. After locking the front door we both ran to the car. I quickly buckeled her up and turned on the heat as I slid into the drivers seat.

" Where do you want to eat baby?"

" IHOP! I can get the big pancake face with srrawberries and lots of whip cream." Eemmi said clapping her hands. I laughed at her while I put the car and gear and backed out.

" IHOP it is little bug" She smiled at my comment then began staring out the window.

I sung to the radio as I pulled up to the nearest IHOP in town. The parking lot was rather empty due to the fact that most people where in school or at work. Grabbing Eemmi we walked into the waiting area and was seated. After ordering me and Eemmi ate our food happily. When we where finished I ordered her a milkshake as a treat for her.

" sissy we're still seeing mommy and daddy right?" She asked me as she gulped on the straw of her milkshake taking the last little buit of whipped cream.

" Only if you want to baby" I told her. She nodded her head and smiled. I waited for her to finish then paid the bill. Before grabbing her hand and making our way to the car.

As we neared the cementary I turned the heat on higher, always feeling cold when we came here. It had been awhile since our last visit but I remembered the way like it was yesterday. I drove slowly due to the wet ground but also to gain my strength. I had to be strong for Eemmi . I was her parent now and she couldn't see me weak. With my wits together I pulled the car over and parked. Twisting around i unbuckled Eemmi and she climbed out herself.

"Ready to go baby ?" I asked as I shut and locked the car door. Eemmi nodded her head as she played with her beanie. I smiled and held out my hand. Instead of taking my hand Eemmi held out her arms jumping . I smiled and lifted her fraul body and placed her on my left hip and started walking through the overgrown dead grass. My boots crunched beneath the dead oak tree leaves and my breath could be seen but I didn't care. As I continued my walk Eemmi played with my hair snuggling her face into the crook of my neck . I held her close trying to keep her warm as best I could . When we had finally reachedour destination the grass was higher and the trees where bare but the stones still stood.

" Anna and James Callaway, loving parents, great friends, wondrous people."

I smiled at the stone before placing Eemmi on her feet before kneeling and running my fingers around the sliver that outlined their names. After a while I sat down and held Eemmi in my lap .

"Ok little bug tell them anything you want to tell them "

Eemmi smiled at that then launched into her tales of her kindergarten days. She made sure to tell mom and dad every single little detail , down to the last cookie she had .. I smiled knowing mom would be so proud . When she was done I smiled as kisses her forehead .

" Can I go swing sissy?"

" Yes you may but u stay by that swing do by wonder off, i want to be able to see you "

With that she nodded and padded of leaving me alone . I sighed staring down at the stone.

" Hey mom, hey dad. Things are going ok . Eemmi is great, she is so beautiful. You would be so proud . I'm hanging in. Christian is alive by the way , shocker . Everything is confusing tight now . I wish you guys where here . I miss you mom. dad I wanna watch football with you again, but fate didn't want that I guess . Anyways it's getting late I still had to go by school we'll visit soon . I love you "

Closing my eyes I kissed my finger ad touched them to the stone , the wind blew wiping away the leaves and dirt leaving the stone in all it's glory. Standing up I called for Eemmi. She came bouncing my way and grabbed my hand .

" Did you talk to mommy and daddy ?"

" Yes I did "

" What did they say "

" That they love and miss you very much and are so proud of you "

" Cool hehe , that makes me happy"

" I'm glad it does little bug "

With that I picked her up and made out way back to the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2013 ⏰

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