Chapter 1 - Happy New Years?

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Jack’s POV

I really messed it up this time. Y/N would never want to see me again, even less talk to me. Forgive me. Why had I let temptation, lust, get the better of me? It's not like I missed of anything if I looked into my relationship at the moment. Well what was the relationship... I'm a sorry excuse for a boyfriend and I can't see Y/N forgiving me for what I did. I didn’t want us to be over. I love her. I love her so much it hurts my heart, every inch of my body aches, every fraction wants to be with her. Now it hurts even more to be away from her. It hurts to know that I had caused her pain and sadness because I couldn't keep myself in line. It hurts to know that I’m the cause for her to stay away.


The music was blasting through every inch of the house and people were dancing, taking up each inch of space in the house. I came to this party with Jack, my boyfriend from about a year now, and I had recently lost him in the crowd. The music seemed to be coming from everywhere at once, causing my head to throb. I decided I’d go lie down upstairs, one of the rooms surely unoccupied at the moment. Big mistake. I opened the door to find Jack getting undressed with another girl. She had been eying him up all night, I remembered her from the other side of the room while we were talking with Finn and Will. She kept gesturing Jack to come over since we had gotten here. He looked up and I saw the guilt fill his eyes as he knew that he had been caught and that there would probably no way he could undo this. He tried saying something but I was too quick, marching to him in long strides, slapping him before running off to God knows where. How dare he?! How could he? Tears filled my eyes as I ran downstairs, pushing past drunk couples dancing and grinding on each other. I got out of the house, cold air hitting me like a punch. It was December and I had left my coat inside. It was New Years Eve. This was a fabulous way to start 2013, I thought walking down the empty street. I heard the countdown coming from the slightly opened windows of a few houses that were hosting parties. It seemed to have already started, the new year approaching.




Just leave me alone, I thought as my phone started to buzz in my skirt's pocket.


Goodbye Jack


Fireworks coloured the dark sky, shinning through the night. Snow started to fall and I found myself thinking about Jack and that girl. No. I wouldn’t think about him. Well not now anyways… All I wanted to do was get to my apartment and cry my eyes out until I would wake up… I mean this had to be a dream. Right? I got into a cab and gave him my address. To think I was supposed to move in with him in April. What a joke! He would have brought her to our bed and… no. I couldn’t think like this. Not now.

The cab pulled over and I took out my money to pay him the fee. “It’s fine darling. You look as if tonight hasn't been the best in love. It’s on me.” He smiled as he handed me back my money. I thanked him, grateful and got into my apartment. I hadn’t even closed my door that I was in tears. How could he do this to me? How could he do this to us?

Finn’s POV

I saw Y/N run out of the house in tears, not even looking back. That moment it hit me, there was just one person that could do this: Jack. What did he do? I ran upstairs, seeing Jack barging out of a room, putting his pants on, looking distressed. At that moment it clicked. He didn’t. That idiot didn’t do what I thought he did. Reading his expression, he had and he was sober enough to have easily backed down. He cheated on his girlfriend on New Years Eve with a girl he barely knew or that he might not know at all. “Finn, can you move I need to go after Y/N!” he said trying to shove past me. “No. You know what Jack? You don’t even deserve her, I can’t believe you cheated on her and just by running after her and making some dumbass excuse, you think she’ll forgive you.” I told him, standing my ground and pushing him back. I don’t really know what happened next, we started to yell and fight. I couldn’t distinguish the figures, I was only focused on Jack and how pissed I was. I gave up on Y/N after he told me he liked her. I knew her first and I was about to ask Jack how I should ask her out but he beat me to it. This is what he does to her. This is what he does to the love of my life. I can't help but believe this is all my fault. If I wouldn't have waited, if I would have asked her, things would have been so different, wouldn't they? Marcus pulled me away from Jack and Caspar held my brother back. “I think you should stay away from her.” I called out as Marcus brought me downstairs into the sea of confused guests. The last view I had was my brother sliding to the floor, tears falling out of his eyes. I know he's my brother, but in this moment, the fact that he hurt the girl I've loved for years was unacceptable. Would I get over this? I might. Now? No.

A/N so this is the first chapter of a fanfic staring YOU!!!! :D I know the first chapter's short but i thought it was a brilliant part to let it finish, you know? i REALLY hope you guys liked it and i'll try to update a lot and soon!! (i might even tonigt, who knows?) lurv you guyyyyys - Mel xx

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