Chapter SEVEN

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~-No one's POV-~

A warmth was wrapped around Lovina's hand when she woke. She couldn't figure out the warmth, but she loved it. She didn't want it to leave. She couldn't fully register anything, and she wasn't sure if she was asleep or awake, but she willed her fingers to curl around the warmth to keep it there. The warmth gripped her hand tighter, but a certain wetness dripped and drizzled down her fingers.

"I'm so sorry, Lovi... I shouldn't haven't left you." A soft, sorrowful voice murmured. To Lovina, the voice sounded so far. "When I went back home, our home, Fernando was wondering how you were doing. He wants to see you again, and soon."

Romana felt the lovely warmth spread through her chest, and her lips twitched upwards. "Really?" Her voice was incredibly soft and cracked. She managed to open her eyes just a bit. Just enough to see a blurry outline of the Spanish nation.

Antonio smiled, pressing his lips to her knuckles. "He really loves you. He's going to be sad to know he won't see you again. He's sad just knowing that you're sick." He whispered, rubbing his thumbs on the back of the sickly woman's hand.

Once Romana's sight cleared up, she frowned. "You-a were crying." She muttered. Antonio chuckled, and nodded. "Don't cry over me, bastard."

Spain laughed, wiping away his tears. "Lo siento, mi tomate. I can't help it. I keep thinking about the worst."

"Then stop it, dumbass." She grumbled, sitting while trying to use her free hand to steady herself. "I'll-a live to get you to stop it-a. Can't have your tiny brain filled with-a more shit then there already is." Lovina mustered up the best glare she could.

Antonio grinned. "Muy bueno! That would make me very happy! Gracias, Lovi! You're the bestest!" He shouted, releasing her hand, then tossing his arms around her. Lovina couldn't help but giggle and hug him back.

Lovina nuzzled her nose in the crook of his neck. "Stop talking to-a me like I'm a bambina." She grumbled, but smiled.

"Lo siento, Lovi." Spain apologized. "I can't help it, though! I've known you ever since you were so little!" He then whined, pulling back just slightly to keep his arms around her but also look into her eyes. After a while of staring, Antonio glanced down, biting his lip and retracting his arms to himself. "Lovina..." He muttered.

Romana furrowed her brow. What's he going to say? That he was sorry for the kiss? That he doesn't love me like I need right now? That I need to go out and find that 'one true' person and be their capital? No way in hell am I letting him say any of that bullshit! Lovina ranted inside her head. With a burst of courage, the Italian cupped the Spanish man's face, bringing him to look up at her in bewilderment. "Don't say anything." She whispered, leaning closer. Lovina shifted so she was up on her knees and had to lean her head down. Talking control, Lovina tilted Antonio's head back, then pressed her lips to his. Without refusing the kiss, Spain placed his large hands on Southern Italy's hips.

Spain moved forward, placing one hand on the small of the girls back and his other stayed on her hip. Slowly and gently, he laid Lovina down while keeping himself pressed against her, refusing to break their connected lips. Lovina wrapped her arms around Antonio's neck, humming happily. When they pulled apart with the desperation for air, the Italian smiled. "Ti amo, bastardo." She mumbled before tugging him back down.

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