Chapter 2

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"We welcome a kittypet named Oreo into our clan," Blackstar announced. "She will make a great addition to our clan," he said. "Since you are clearly not a kit or a apprentice, you will be given your warrior name. From this day forward you will be named Oreofur," Blackstar said proudly. "Oreofur, Oreofur!!!!" The clan chanted. Oreofur was on a hunting patrol by herself when suddenly. "Ahhh! Who are you?" The she cat asked. "I m Oreofur from shadowclan," Oreofur said proudly. "Well I am Fractail of river clan. I am the medicine cat apprentice," Fractail said with fear in her voice. "Why are you on shadowclan territory?" Oreofur questioned. "I was gathering herbs and I followed the scent," she said scared. "What herbs do you need?" Oreofur wondered. "Only feverfew," she said in a more confident way. "See you at the next gathering Oreofur!!" Fractail called.

"I am Oreofur of shadowclan," she told the wind clan cat. "I am Fricpaw of windlan, nice to meet you," Fricpaw said. "Fricpaw did you find any prey?" a Tom yelled to her. "I got to go. See you at the next gathering," she called out.

"I am Oreofur of shadowclan," man that's getting old. "I am Shadenight of Thunderclan," Shadenight said. "I got to go, see you at the next gathering," the Tom said.


Authors note:

The cats are named after my friends neighbors cats names Fric, Frac, Oreo, and Shade.]


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