The Deal Breaker

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(If u love Bipper then u might enjoy this book. Also Bill is human version of Bill.)
Dipper's POV
"Hey Great Uncle Ford? You doing anything?" I asked, coming out of the elevator. I needed help.
Why is it so dark?
"No. Nothing serious right now. Why do you ask?" He changed his attention, from the journals to me.
Now's a better time than ever.
"You...know Bill?" I flinched as I said his name, expecting a horrible reaction from Ford.
I was totally right about the reaction.
"W..Well...Uh...he kinda...showed up here...trying to steal the Mystery Shack deed through Stan's mind...and..we had to go into Stan's mind and stop him...You see, an enemy...a nine year old.."I said with disappointment, "named Gideon, hired him to do it."
He slammed his hand on the table.
"Damn triangle." He muttered.
Wow. Do I whisper like that? No wonder why Wendy could hear me.
"Was my brother fine?"
"Yeah...Dont worry. He didnt do anything while he was in there."
"Good...Now WHY did you ask about Bill? Wait...who's WE?"
"Oh...that would be me, Mabel, and Soos."
This seriously needs to speed UP.
"You mean that guy in the hat who works here?"
"What does your family know about Bill?"
I was eager to move on, I was trying my best not to explode.
"Look. I'll tell you later." I put my hands into my vest pockets, pressing hard, inward.
"But right now I seriously need your help. And it involves Bill."
I squinted my eyes shut, trying not to remember the nightmare from last night.
"What is it?!" He asked in a worried tone.
"He keeps coming back..let me rephrase. He's came back before you showed up, but then he left..." I tried to avoid explaining about the body incident, "I hadn't seen him in 7 months. But then, 4 weeks ago, he came back, only bothering me...and only seen by me. He hasnt been spotted by anyone else. I told Mabel, hoping she could help me, but never being able to see Bill didnt help the situation. He ALWAYS is in my dreams, creating chaos for me to deal both the real world and the mindscape... I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE! That's why I decided to tell you!" My eyes were wide open, hands in fists, my heart dying from within, my mind on fire. I had enough of this. He was driving me insane. I haven't had much of a conversation with anyone in a very long time, wanting to be alone. Trying to fend off Bill, only making him laugh as I shoved things in my ears, trying to block him out.
Everyone knew something was wrong, but I only told Mabel. I didnt want anyone else to know. I didnt want them involved with Bill...
But now I was on the verge of insanity, so I decided to finally talk.
Knowing who the best person was, I went to Ford.
"Im sorry Dipper. Of course I'll help....NOT! HA HA HAHAHA!"
"NO NO NO! NOT AGAIN!" I clenched my hair.
My Great Uncle Ford's body began to shape-shift into Bill.
"WOW! I really had you going there, Pine Tree! HEH HE!"
I dropped to my knees, still clenching my hair, closing my eyes shut tight.
"Good question. And your real Great Uncle Ford is taking a walk through the woods...but you wouldn't know that since I've kept you busy." He flicked my hat up, making me open my eyes, seeing his smile.
He backed up some, but not because he was afraid.
"I will."
He circled around me in the air.
"W..what?..You will? Now?!"
"No! Not ever again!"I was caught in an unbearable situation.
He was NOT going to make a deal! I won't accept! Even if I do have to put up with him.
"Hear me out. I think you'll find the terms quite reasonable." I heard amusement in his voice.
"I find that hard to believe." I grimaced.
"Well I didn't destroy the journals, did I? So there's some establishment for you believing me."
He's right...
"I hate you Bill."
"I know." He smirked.
I looked away in silence, waiting. Hoping someone would come down here.
Wait...It wont do no good. Bill wouldn't let them wake me up.
The silence only lasted 5 seconds.
"Here's the deal. I will let you be, in exchange night."
"I want to spend one night here in the Mystery Shack."
I stared at him in shock.
"Because..." he snapped his fingers and a devilish grin grew across his face.
"Do you really think you can survive?" A pain shot through my head, horrid images shot through my mind. Some were of my family...mutilated.
"AahHh! Bill stop!" I pressed against my head.
I felt like I was being cut all over, flesh being pinched off from different parts of my body every second while mutalation nightmares came into play.
"Fine with me, if you let me spend one night here."
"I just want ONE night spent in the real world. And I promise I won't harm your family or the town. Is that too much to ask?" He said, sympathetically.
"I still dont trust you. Besides, they wouldnt let you stay!"
"I know that," The pain stopped, reliving me. "That's why you are going to hide me. I dont care where I stay as long as I'm hidden. The others would try and destroy me."
"But the only place that's not causally inspected is the attic."
"So that means you better go lock yourself and me in your room."
"...What about my sister? She shares the room with me. I cant lock her out when she has to go to bed."
"Ill be exploring Gravity Falls, in flesh this time, at night...I love the night. It's the best time for anything you can imagine."
"No destruction."
"Yeah yeah. I know."
"So when will you leave?"I asked, frightened at the thought of if he was going to try and stay.
"Ill go back into the mindscape while the sun rises. Ill prove it to you too. Ill be in your dreams again tonight....So do we have a deal or what?" He held out his hand, as it lit up in blue flames.
I let out a sigh.
If this is all he wants....
"Deal." I shook his hand, lighting mine on fire too.
He grinned, making me feel uneasy.
Bill's POV
Can't believe he fell for it. Then again, Pine Tree is gullible. He didn't even think about protecting his own skin... It just takes time.

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