My Professor and I

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It was my freshman year in college. I just came off of summer break. The transition from high school to college was well needed. I was so over high school and the repetition that came with seeing the same people everyday, doing the same boring subjects that failed to interest me year after year. I was ready to spread my wings and fly. I was ready to begin the rest of my life. I was ready to move on.

A little bit about myself. My name is Behati Stalsin. I wouldn't call myself skinny, but I have never passed the 130 mark on the scale, so the judgement is yours. I have short brown hair, with a pair of brown eyes to go with it. I would describe myself to be a fairly outgoing person, though I do have my shy moments.

Anyways, back to what I was saying. I started college with an open mind, and with the intentions of doing well in school, meeting new people, engaging in clubs and sports, the whole nine yards. Guys were never really on my mind. I've had my fair share of assholes, and I knew that when something was meant to be, it would be, so I wasn't as concerned with the male population as are the many girls who start college.

My major was undecided, so I just enjoyed my first few weeks of classes, taking it all in while subconsciously narrowing down the options for my future career of choice. My favorite class at the time had to be Animal Science. My least favorite, hands down, had to be math. Math and I never got along. My teacher, Mr. Lucie, wasn't all that bad of a teacher, but he and I never clicked. He was an older man, one who had a full head of glistening grey hair. He talked slowly and wasn't very enthusiastic, and when it comes to math, I need a teacher who can excite me, rather than put me to sleep.

For whatever reason, Mr. Lucie departed from his role as my math teacher about two months after the beginning of my freshman year. I never found out why, though all I hoped for was a replacement that had the ability to light up the room with the knowledge and enthusiasm needed in order for my peers and I to have a successful year in the class.

I will never forget the day I met my new math teacher. I didn't go to class the day of his first appearance, but word spread fast. I had a friend in the class who I kept in touch with in case either of us missed a day, so she was the one to inform me about the latest addition to our school. From what I heard, he was young, about 10 years my elder, very, very handsome, and seemed to have the brains to match his warm personality and eye opening looks. I was excited to meet this new teacher tomorrow, though I was even more excited about the new wave of hope that seemed to flow through my slowly deteriorating math class.

My day started off pretty normally. I decided to go for an early morning run around the park neighboring my school. Oh how I loved that park. It was truly a site to see. There was a lake centered between the track, and large oak trees guarding the many secluded paths hidden in between the beautiful forest. Nature at its best. Running always gave me an outlet to blast my music and get away from the stresses of life.

My last class of the day was math. It started at 6:00pm sharp, and ended roughly two hours later. I walked in the great hall, which seated about 100 people. My seat for the day was about 3 rows from the front of the class; I always liked getting as close as possible to the board, especially when it came to a subject that I wasn't good at. The class was about full when a tall figure entered the room for a door parallel to where I was sitting. I assumed that the man walking in was the teacher, for everyone got quiet, though a few giggles and flirtatious remarks could be heard from a few people behind me.

The man who I would come to know as Mr. Mitchell was very handsome. He was taller than I, and had the cleanest, sun kissed dreads I ever did see. He wore a suit and looked very professional, almost too professional, until he cracked a smile that literally lit up the entire room. "For those of you who I didn't have the pleasure of meeting last evening, I wish to introduce myself as your new math teacher for the next two semesters. I hope that I can do as good of a job as Mr. Lucie, and I hope that day by day, you will all leave this room with a little more knowledge than you previously entered with." The room broke into a unanimous laughter, and that was how the class begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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