The Results are in!

559 24 24

Wow this was a fun and very long poll. This was fun seeing what everyone thought about the ships. There was some that I wished stayed in longer. And there were some that I wished got out sooner, but hey that's my opinion. Anyway here's the results.

The results are:

29: AppleSpike

28: TwiSpike

27: MacPie

26: FlutterCord :(

25: TwiMac

24: TwiCord

23: BulkShy

22: BreaJack

21: CaraJack

20: PokeyPie

19: SpikeDash

18: FlutterSpike

17: PinkieSpike

16: FlutterMac

15: SoarinJack

14: RariMac

13: MacDash

12: DiscoPie

11: ThunderDash

10: CometSparkle

9: RariPants

8: RariLane

7: Sparity

6: FlutterBurn

5: TrendJack

4: PinkieFavor

3: FlashLight

2: SoarinDash

1: CheesePie

WOOOHOOO!!!! Cheesepie for the win!!! You all know how much I love Cheesepie so I am so happy that this ship won! Now I need to tell you something. Some of may remember that after I started this poll I changed the rules. At first I was going to start the poll over but I thought that wouldn't be fair. So in the future (like after I do more polls) I will do a re-do of this poll. Now before you guys go and say stuff like 'This is bull crap. Your only doing it because of what place Fluttercord got in' That's not why I'm doing it. I'm doing it because I changed the rules half-way into the poll. However when I do a re-do of this ship it will be shorter. Basically 2ships per person so yeah. Hope you guys don't mind. Anyway the next poll is more ships but this will be on the mane6 x mane6 ships. So that one will probably be long also. Anyway that is it for this chapter. See you guys in the next chapter. Oh before I leave I need help. I want a name for all my followers so leave suggestions for what I should use. Anyway KEEP CALM AND BE A BAND GEEK! Flute_player_1 out!

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