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Relationship: Sam/Reader

Word count: 2,663

A/N: This isn't filling out any requests (my next fic will, I promise) but it's a prompt from this old post that I liked. "it's the middle of the night and i'm walking home alone in the dark and there's this guy following me and he's starting to gain on me and i found this phone booth with a lock on the door and i tried to call my best friend but my hands were shaking so badly i accidentally dialed the wrong number and i don't even know you but help me"


" That's what he said, I swear!" you told your best friend, Dani, laughing.

Dani took a sip of her fruity drink and crossed her legs, smiling. "I don't know, that doesn't really sound like him."

"Well, choose to believe what you will, but that's what happened," you chuckled.

Dani finished off her drink and looked around the bar. "I don't know about you, but I'm in desperate need of a good lay," she told you, standing up. She evidently locked eyes with a potential taker. "So I'm going to go accomplish that. Do you wanna take my car back to my place and crash there? I can call a cab," she suggested.

"No, don't worry about it. I'll get my own cab. You just be careful, okay? Don't go after any serial killers," you half-joked. The other half of you was serious, because in this world, it was definitely a possibility.

"Don't worry, I'll be safe," she reassured you, walking off.

You finished your beer before leaving the bar. You called a cab and went outside to wait for it. You waited for about ten minutes before you noticed a man with his hood over his head, also standing outside, stealing glances over at you every once in a while when it seemed like you couldn't see him. After a few more minutes of waiting and the cab still hadn't come to pick you up, and the man was still there. You started to worry, so you decided to catch a bus home instead, hoping the man wouldn't choose to follow you.

As you were walking down the street, you could swear you heard a faint set of footsteps behind you, but you didn't dare look back, for fear that your stalker would advance at a quicker pace. The longer you walked, the louder the footsteps became. He was gaining on you. Fear gripped you, but you still didn't look back. If you looked back it was all over. You looked around, trying to find an establishment you could wander into, but at this time of night, there weren't many options. You saw a phone box and your eyes zoomed in on it; it appeared to be functional and you ducked inside, hoping it would buy you some time to look like you were on the phone. The predator wouldn't risk alerting anyone of the impending trouble you'd be in by stopping a phone call. No, he'd wait for you to get off the phone before he attacked.

When you got inside the phone booth, you saw that it had a lock on it, and you thanked whatever above that it did, eagerly locking yourself inside. You turned to face the telephone, your hands shaking as you tried to dial Dani's number, hoping she'd answer. You must've misdialed because the voice that greeted you on the other side was not Dani's, but the low, husky voice of a concerned man. "Hello?" he said.

Your explanation came out quickly and panicked, your voice choking back sobs. "There's a man following me and he kept getting closer," you cried quietly, making sure your stalker couldn't hear you. "And it's the middle of the night and I'm sorry but I saw this phone booth and locked myself inside so he couldn't get me," you choked. "I was trying to call my best friend but my hands were shaking and I misdialed and I don't know you but please help me please I'm really scared!" you cried, sobbing once you finished rambling your explanation.

"Okay, okay, calm down and tell me where you are," the man said, his voice gentle.

You looked around at the street signs. "Um, I'm on the corner of Mayland and Fifth out on the East side of town," you told him, your voice still a little shaky.

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