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Hey guys, so I'm so glad that after 2 hours I already started to get support from you guys so I thought, instead of trying to sleep at 1:53 am I would write another chapter for you guys :D

SO here we are and this chapter is exciting because we finally see a character that has been one of the bases of the story!!



Hollow POV

Hi guys, been a while hasn't it? Well I have had a hell of a journey, hitch hiking from wherever the fuck Jasmine took me to until I finally got back to London. Hobbling along I got back to mine and Rage's flat to notice that it was locked.

He's probably out. Fuck. I hobbled along and decided to go to the second place that he might me. Fluke's flat.

I finally got to the apartment block and sighed noticing the amount of stairs considering he was bloody and weak along with the fact the block had a dodgy elevator that hadn't been fixed for a while. 

He began his trek and after what seems like an eternity he reached Fluke's flat and with a shaky hand, knocked on the door. I heard laughing and the loud noise of the TV as the door opened, revealing my best Friend Will (also known as Fluke) staring at me in shock.


I grinned and started to see black dots. The air from my lungs was forced out of me and I collapsed into Fluke's unsuspecting arms.

Fluke POV

Where has Hollow been and how did he get here? I thought he was dead. I never thought he would make it. 

"Guys, Rage come here!" They came running into the hallway by the door, eyes wide with shock when they noticed the slumped figure in my arms.

Tears began to well in Rage's eyes as he spotted his lover, bloody and bruised...but alive. 

"Guys, we need to get him on the couch. Rage help me with Hollow. Gubiak, get the first aid kit. Curaxu call the hopital and book an appointment and Belle and Sean, go run a bath and look in my room and find some clothes for him."

Me and Rage grabbed Hollow and lowered him onto the couch in the living room. I went into the kitchen to make him some food and a glass of water along with some tablets to soothe some of the pain. 

Sean and Belle returned with a fresh pile of my clothes and notification that the bath was run. I nodded over to Rage and we lifted Hollow, lifting him into the bathroom and taking of his clothes and maneuvering him into the bath.

"Rage, you wash him. And be gentle with him." Rage nodded, with tears still fresh in his eyes.  

I exited the bathroom and walked over to Belle and Sean who looked confused to the state of Hollow. I sat them down and told them the story of Jasmine and what had happened to us. 

By the end Sean was gulping down tears and Belle's eyes were waterfalls, gushing sad sympathetic tears. 

She hugged me, whispering into my ear. "You're so brave, I can't believe my dad is so strong, a true hero." I hugged her tightly as Rage called for me.

I walked into the bathroom to see that Hollow was washed, dry and dressed. I helped Rage put him on the couch. We covered him with a blanket and Gubiak began to tend to his minor cuts and bruises.

Curaxu walked in, "The hospital said that they would sent a person over and to try and wake him and make sure he drinks plenty of water." We all nodded, looking towards Hollow's weak and bruised form. 

We all sat down on the couches as Rage slowly and softly tried to lull Hollow from his slumber. Hollow eventually came to, coughing and motioning for a drink. 

Belle passed him some water as he weakly thanked her, looking confused as to who she was.

We presented him with the sandwich that I had made and gave him strict instructions that he needed to eat it. We also gave him some paracetamol to ease the pain.

He slowly started to recover and he began to sit up, mustering all the strength he could to turn to his lover and kiss him with all the passion in his soul.

"I love you Rage. Don't ever leave me again. I'm sorry that I let her do that."

Rage simply shook his head at him in fondness. They embraced each other and Rage lay by Hollow's side slowly slipping into sleep. 

I looked at the time to see it was 1:12 am and that we all must be tired so we retreated to the bedrooms. 

We then noticed that Curaxu and Sean would not have anywhere to sleep. Curaxu took the couch by my orders and then I turned to Belle.

"Listen, Sean will stay in your room, but if there is ANY hanky panky you will never have a boyfriend until you're 89, understand?!" I tried to be stern, but a smirk made it's way through my strict composure. 

"I understand Dad, I love you." She kissed my cheek, gave me a hug and retreated to her bedroom, Sean following behind her after giving his brother a hug and Curaxu embarrassing him with a big sloppy kiss. He laughed and jogged over to Belle's bedroom. 


As we entered Belle's bedroom, I realised I would have nothing to wear to bed. She walked over to a small cupboard in the room and brought out a shirt and a pair of shorts that I were assuming were Fluke's.

She handed them to be and gave her a small thank you, suddenly blushing when she began to change right in front of me. I turned away and began to get changed myself.

"Nice butt!" I hear Belle giggling at her comment, proud of herself for making me blush. I laughed, wondering where I was sleeping.

"Belle, where am I sleeping?" "In bed with me silly, don't worry I wont bite."

I climbed into the bed, as did Belle. 

She lay on her side, facing me with her eyes gently shut.

She is so beautiful, she looks like an Angel (he he that's my name) with her hair framing my face.

"Why thank you Sean." 

SHIT! Did I just say that out loud?

"Yes you did."

"For fucks sake what is wrong with me?!" Belle laughed and leaned towards me, brushing my sandy blonde fringe out of my eyes and pecking me on the cheek.

"Goodnight Sean."

"'night Belle."

Love you.

Gladly she didn't hear that one. 

Well she did cause she wasn't sleeping, but ssshhhh I'm not supposed to know that...see ya later alligator ;)



But all that aside how did you like the Sean and Belle romance? We need a ship name for them in the comments, come on guys <3

And how did you guys feel about Hollow coming back?

And I actually used the words "Hanky Panky" Am I an old man  or something?!? Eeeeew!

love you guys, my LittleFans :D

~Angel <3

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