Chapter 26: Hell Is Waiting

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Seth's POV

Its been two weeks since we've been in Michigan and I've planned this work maybe a week now. Like I said before, this is for her own good. I can't have my love having another man's child.

I was gonna make her have the best day before she leaves.

I was in the living room, making a fun day for both me and Mone'. We were gonna do everything in one day. I called Mone' to the living room.

She walked out and sat next to me. She had gotten a little bigger, turns out she's about 3 and a half weeks. 

"Yes, love?" She said.

I held her hand and queezed it tight.

"Were gonna have a fun day before work, hun. Let's go out, please?" I begged her.

She smiled then giggled.

"I would love that honey." She said.

I smiled then kissed her on the lips.  She kissed me back then giggled again.

We got dressed and headed out.

"I wanna take you somewhere, somewhere where you always wanted to go." I said.

Mone' looked up at me and smiled.

"Seth, what did you do?"

I smiled.

"Im taking you to a Shinedown Meet and Greet." I said.

She was quiet for a bit then she started to scream and jump up and down.

"Oh my goodness!! Thank you so much, Seth. This means so much to me!" She said as she started to cry.

I smiled again.

She is a really big fan of Shinedown, she would stay p all night just to listen to all there albums. Im not kidding, she really does this.

I could see the joy on her face, Im just sad to see it go tonight.

It was about 2:30pm when we got to the mall. As we got out the car, she was just skipping to the door. I had to run up just to catch up with her.

Once we got in there was a line, she didn't mind at all. She was just stairing striaght ahead. The happieness just brighting up her dark brown eyes.

 As we moved up and closer to the band members the more she started to shake in excitment.

When we finally made it up to the table, Mone' started to cry. Brent, Barry, Zack and Eric just smiled at her tears of joy.

I told them how there music changed Mone's life in everyway. They gave her so much stuff, there band shirts, necklesses, jacket and more. They even stuff for the baby, hoping its a boy.

Theyalso took pictrues then singed them for her Ive never seen her so happy in a long time, well she when she debut to the WWE.

It was time to go and she were on our way to get something to eat, it was not 3:45pm when we got to IHope.

"Oh my god, I was so many pancakes!" Mone' moaned.

I laughed and kissed her on the cheek.

I could tell she was really hungry, she ate about five bannanna choclate pancakes with to big cups of milk.

"Baby, you done?" I smirked.

She looked up at me and smiled.

"Yeah, Im ready." She said.

I paided and held her hand.

It was now 4:20pm and we where heading for the arena now, we were in Flint tonight for Monday Night Raw.

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