Model-Like Guy

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"RRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNGGGG!"my alarm goes off and startles making me roll out of bed and hit my head.Ouch. I turn off the alarm and  stand up with my legs shaking. Why does class have to start so early? I look through my unpacked clothes in the suitcase and find a pair of gray sweatpants and a purple crop top to wear. I quickly brush my teeth, wash my face, and head out the door. I guess Clara already left. So for my first class, I have history in room 3B.
I run out the dorm area and skateboard to my class. Apparently, there was a  water bottle on the ground and made my skateboard come to a halt tossing me off of it. Shît that hurt. I try to get up but realize I'm on top of someone. Well this is a perfect way to start off the day!

" I'm so sorry I didn't mean t-" I couldn't finish my sentence because as soon as I saw him i started drooling. He had dark hair, caramel skin,and bright green eyes.

"just get off me please" the gorgeous guy says. What a jerk.i mean I know I crashed into him but I said sorry.

"Yeah ok." I stand up and wipe imaginary dust off my pants. Suddenly the late bell rings. I literally pick up my skateboard and push the model-like guy out of the way.

My whole body slams against the classroom door and I end up falling on the ground again when the teacher opens the door. I hear several people laugh and shoot them dirty looks

"Mrs. Kent, you-are-late" the teacher rights something down and the shoos me to sit down.

"Hello class welcome to Professer X's history class!" Mr.X yells. I'm so happy they have superheroes as teachers! That's so cool!

"Your that old guy right?" One kid says in the back of the class.

"Yes, Mr.Stark, I-am-that-old-guy." Mr.X rolls his eyes and starts talking about classroom rules and what not.

"Our first lesson is about your history, I want you to do some research on your family and then write a report about it."Mr. X looks at the Stark kid at the back of the class.

" yeah.. Um sir ?when is this due because I uh have plans besides homework of course."The Stark kid pops a piece of gum in his mouth and starts chewing really loud.

" yeah I have plans too!" Says the girl sitting next to me.

" well Mr. Stark, and Mrs. Spencer I'm sure you can make room for this report. The report is due in four days." Mr. X winks at them and waves goodbye when the bell rings.

I guess the Stark kid is iron mans son, and the Spencer girl is the Human Torch's daughter. I head over to the training room (walking, not skateboarding ) and start warming up with our coach. My eyes go wide in shock when I notice that the coach is the guy I crashed into today.
"Hi my name is Mr. Rogers, and I'm Captain Americas son."

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