.:. Chapter fo .:.

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( Hnnnng )
Readers P.O.V.

"The cereal is in my bike basket" I yelled. "Wheres your bike dammit"
( quick shower yo )
I remembered that I left my bike at the cafe. 'Shit.' I ran outside the bathroom and looked for theo. ( yus you is wearing clothes you perverted shit ) I found him in the kitchen looking for food. "Theo can you take me to the cafe? I left my bike there." Theo looked behind him and nodded. "But does that mean I get cereal?" I jumped ontop of him and ruffled his hair. "H-hey get off!" He stumbled around. "If you take me to work you'll get cereal, you little shit." He sighed in defeat. "I do want cereal... fine!" I pointed over to my room. " To my phone!"
-mini mini mini mini mini -breathes- mini mini mini mini time skip- -faints-
He turned on his car and I got in the front seat. "I thought you were too 'short' for the front seat." I punched his arm. "Shut up!" I said laughing.
-aburtly wakes up-
- another mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini time ski-
-faints again-
( at work )
I walked over to where I left my bike and grabbed the cereal out of it. I threw the cereal at Theo. He caught it and begun to eat the cereal. "Thans fo teh cerealu" I smiled. "No problem big cheeks" He got into the car and waved goodbye. The worker with the black hair and freckles ( freckled jesus has arrived bish preach ) came outside and smiled. "So I guess you work here now." I nodded happily. "Nice to meet you! Im Marco." He smiled and stuck out his hand. I grabbed it and smiled back. "Eun Chan. Pleasure to meet you too." ( EUN CHANNNNNNNNN IS LE MAIN CHARACTERS NAME IDGAF WHETHER YOU LIEK IT OR NOT sO IM NOT HERE TO DEAL WITH YO BULLSHIAT )( I'm a meanie weanie ) ( euN-CHAN ) Eun-chan was the name you went by since your name could've given you away. ( idfk your name so suck a dick ) ( still a meanie weanie ) And so hence forth, your first day at the rose cafe. ( name changer yo )
( so how is you guys enjoying le fan fiction )
( •w• )
( I have a headache but... hENCE FORTH TO CHAPTER 5 )

.: Attack on Coffee Prince! :. ( Reader x Eren x Armin)Where stories live. Discover now