Losing Hope

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"Life isn't about wait for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain" -Unknown 

I've been dancing ever since I remember and I've had 3 amazing friends I've met dancing, Zara, Blaire, and Regina or Rina. I have been dancing at Admit 1 Dance Studios for as long as I've danced. My name is Giselle. 

I know my name is Giselle and I guess my mother knew I was going to be a dancer because this name suits me perfectly. I love ballet and it's all I think about. I dance anywhere and everywhere, I will dance down the street or even when I'm doing my homework, somehow I figure out a way to dance.

My story starts when I actually get kicked out of my dance studio, Admit 1. My mother's reaction? Well I don't wanna go there. Admit 1 is the best dance studio in Florida and after I get kicked out Admit 1's ranking goes way down. Here's how this all went down:

After my point  private lesson with, Zara, Blaire, and Rina we had to practice our ballet solos for the All-Stars competition. I knew my solo started with a series of many turns and leaps but I had no idea what to do in what order. Luckily I wasn't the first to practice, it was Zara. "Zara? How about you go, okay?" My snobby teacher Miss. Lucille called to her. Zara and I giggled when her voice echoed off the walls. Zara sighed and tied her shes and stood up to practice her solo. "Alright. My toe has a horrible sore though Miss. Lucille!" Zara complained. I saw Zara's perfect ballet bun in her sleek dark brown hair. "Nice bun Zara!" I winked. Miss. Lucille stared at me. "Giselle?" I elbowed Blaire who was fixing her hair and made a loud noise to the un-expected bump. Rina stared half-smiling at me and Blaire. "Well sorry Rina! I wasn't expecting that!" She said then stared at me. Miss. Lucille coughed. I caught myself and covered my mouth while staring at her. "Ahem. Giselle was any of that necessary?" She shot lasers through my head. I thought about it for a little bit and then realized everyone was staring at me. "Oh, sorry and no, none of that was necessary." I forced a smile smile. "Now will you stop and please let Zara practice?" She turned towards Zara. "Sorry Zara." I giggled. "It's fine." she snickered and winked. 

Earlier I overheard Zara telling Blaire that she hadn't practiced her solo at all so she was hoping to remember it. At that time, I was talking to Rina who also hadn't practiced or even remember a lick of her dance. Blaire said she hadn't practiced hers either. But, Blaire has such a good memory I wouldn't be surprised if she knew the whole thing backwards. So, that meant that none of us had practiced or really had no idea what we were doing. 

"Whenever your ready Zara." The music slowly came on and Zara moved around just like she knew what she was doing, and she did. I motioned to Blaire and Rina to come to me and I whispered, "Didn't Zara say she didn't know what she was doing?" Rina shrugged and Blaire stood up and fell into her splits. "I thought that's what she said. Did you overhear us?" I blushed and nodded. "Yeah, I was talking to Rina but we stopped to listen to the conversation you were having with Zara. Blaire nodded and her eyes widened. "Did you bring any Arizona Sweet Tea?" She wiggled around waiting for an answer. I sighed and smiled a really weird smile. "Maybe!" I said. "Oh my god can I have it!" She asked quickly. "Well, maybe I brought four cans of it." Blaire freaked out when she heard that.  Zara slowly wrapped up her dance and "exited" the stage. Miss. Lucille smiled and looked towards the peanut gallery. "Giselle, Blaire, and Rina?" We all looked up at the exact same time. "Yes?" I said sweetly. "What did you girls think? Anything to tell to the beautiful Zara?" We all looked at each other waiting for the first person to talk and since no one was talking I had to talk. "Zara it was beautiful and I think maybe you should straighten out your arms just a little bit more and straighten your neck. Imagine your a swan." I said the last part like a crazed Ballet teacher. Zara laughed a bit and finally said. "Thanks for the advice Elle." Oh yeah, by the way my nickname is Elle. "Zara, I really enjoyed it and I believe you have an Arizona Sweet Tea waiting for you, compliments of Elle, of course." Rina spoke. Zara did her best Ballerina jump and fell into her splits "Yay!" She squealed. "Last but not least, Blaire!" Miss. Lucille called, her voice echoing once again. "Zara you are so beautiful and there's nothing I can say to change it. Keep on working to just clean the little things and it'll be beyond perfection." Blaire smiled. "Aw, thanks Blaire." Zara sat down and look at Miss. Lucille. "Well girls we didn't have time for anyone else so I guess we'll try to fit in some more solos next time. Now young ladies go enjoy your Arizona Sweet Teas!" We jumped up and ran out the door screaming "Thank you!" and hurried to the cubbies and I almost got tackled when handing out Arizona Sweet Teas. We sat outside waiting for our rides as we enkoyed out sweet teas.

Message from the writer:

Heyy! This is the end of the first chapter!! Should I go on? Tell me!! I need advice, Thanks hipsters. Bai

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2013 ⏰

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