Chapter 1

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"I wonder what this surprise meeting Hanji planned is about?!" Eren said to the group of people at your table.

"Yeah, and considering who planned it, you never know..? Jean said while putting emphasis on the word who.

"Also it was such short notice! One second were training for the upcoming expedition, next were all crammed in the dinning hall" Connie added.

"What do you think (y/n)?" Armin asked. Just the sound of your name made all the boys stop, and turn their attention to you.

"Oh.. um I'm not sure honestly... maybe we'll get some type of vacation! Man wouldn't that be nice!" You said while smiling. You were taken back when you heard the laughter of all the boys.

"Oh man haha." Jean said while wiping a fake tear from his eye. "You know it's a good thing you're cute because you're not very smart." He added while attempting to put his arm around you, but before he could you grabbed it and twisted it causing jean to fall off his seat.

"Yeah and anyways do you really think Corporal is gonna let us take time off right before a big expedition?" Eren added.

"It's probably best we stop over thinking this. Considering how close we are to our first expedition this meeting is most likely going to be about that." Armin said. Everyone agreed

"But you have too admit, going on a vacation would be nice..." you said almost in a whisper.

Everyone around you hummed in agreement. You sat at your regular table, Jean to your right, Armin to your left, Eren in front, and surrounding them was Connie, Reiner, and Bertholt. Usually Mikasa sits with you, but she was dragged away with Sasha over to the rest of the girls. Probably to talk about their hair or something. You rolled your eyes at the thought. You've always been more on the tomboy side, and when you first joined the military you fit in with the boys more than the girls. You liked all the girls, but you couldn't stand the way some of them acted! It was all about their hair or makeup. That's why you hang around with the guys! They never cared about makeup or who's hair is best. They were care free, competitive, and messy just like you. You were interrupted from your thoughts when Hanji ran into the room.

"Okay cadets I know you're all very confused on why we called you here on such short noticed, but we have big news. We have exactly one month before the big expedition, and we want you all to remember most of you won't make it back alive. That's why we think it's best for you all to say your good byes over the next week"

"What do you mean 'next week'? Can't we say our goodbyes whenever we feel like it?" Sasha interrupted. She sat with all the other girls a few tables away.

Hanji shot a glare over to Sasha before finishing "What I'm trying to say is that we're going to give you all one week of vacation! That way it will give you some time to relax and spend time with your other cadets. We, or should I say I, think it's a great way to spend some final moments with your friends" Before she could get any other words out Corporal short straw had to cut in.

"I think it's a terrible idea. We could use this time to train, or even better we could tidy up the whole headquarters!"

"Well maybe some time off wouldn't hurt, and we could go over the formation while we're out there if that makes you feel a little more at ease, Corporal" Erwin said.

"Also when we get back you can train them and make them clean as much as your little cleaning fairy heart desires!" Hanji said, making the whole mess hall giggle, and fear for her life.

"Also it won't be a full vacation. We want to give you some time off, but in the world it's nearly impossible to have a care free vacation. So that means there will be some training. You will wake up every morning and run 6 miles. We will go over the formation and all the other information needed for this expedition ever day before dinner. Also everyone is required to bring their 3dmg equipment just in case an emergency. More importantly....." Erwin kept talking but you just tuned out. This so called 'vacation' was just turning into training with a new location.

"Hey you okay?" Eren asked noticing the disappointed look on your face.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just disappointed that our vacation is turning into another training session." You said while putting your head on the table.

"I'm a little sad too, but we really can't expect a full vacation while being committed soldiers." Eren said trying to be quiet considering the commander was still going on about the training we have to do during the week.

You raised your head off the table to look at him. "Yeah you're right, and when we get there I'm totally going to kick your ass in a 3dmg race!"

Eren was taken back by your words at first, but soon his shocked face switch into a cocky smirk. "Your on (y/n)!" He said while putting his hand out to you. You shook it. "What about you pony boy? Want to join our 3dmg race?" Eren said while getting Jeans attention.

"Pfttt a race with you two?! Hahaha this is too easy!" He said while laughing. "Obviously I'll win! So what's the point of the race now? You have your winner!" Jean said while flexing his arms.

"You won't do it just because you're scared of losing! I'll join." Connie budded in.

"So what do you say Jean? Will you race me" you said while jokingly getting on one knee.

"W-what... I... u-uh..." Jean stuttered while his face turned a bright red. The boys erupted in a huge roar of laughter.

"Haha oh man! Jean thought (Y/N) was proposing!" Eren said through laughs.

Hanji noticed the sudden laughter and walked over to our table. "What's so funny bo-" but before she could finish she noticed you on one knee next to Jean. "Ummm (Y/N) did you just propose to Jean...?" You forgot you were still on the floor so you shot up and sat back down before anything else could happen.

"Now who's the one that's flustered?" Jean whispered into your ear causing chills to run down your spine, and apparently through your arm too because you got an urge to slap him. So you did, causing him to fall out of his seat again.

"As I was saying today is Saturday so you have all of tomorrow to get ready and packed. We leave early Monday morning. See you then, you're all dismissed." Hanji said and turned to walk away.

"Um Hanji?" You stood up saluting "Where exactly are we going for our vacation?"

"I guess you'll have to wait till we arrive..." she said with a vicious smirk, and left leaving us all to wonder.

A/N Thanks for reading! Also I'm not sure where to go from here so comment things you'd like to see during the vacation or just throughout the story! Also remember there is an O/C who is an extreme girly girl and I need name for her so please comment! Thanks!!!

Vacation with the boys!  Various Attack on Titan Boys x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now