Day 7

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For on e in my forsaken existence I am truly happy.
I had a date wvith my bee after sendin the damn trash and the crewv belowv deck. You knowv wvhat? I can evwen forgive the trash for her transgressions and the interruption after I tasted svweet, delicious honey from my bee. There's nothin that says I trust you more than lettin my scary, useless hide suck you off. Mind you, fuckin book, that I havwe only evwer fucked that poor excuse of a pirate Mind Fang but she nevwer counted to me. That isn't wvhat it should be.
The highlight of my day wvas my little bee. Wvatchin that face be in happiness and blissful contentment is a really wvorth wvhile thin. I still feel like I failed him, I mean, he asked me about wvhat happened years ago after wve wvere moirails. . .
I still hate Kurloz but still not as much as myself. I could havwe stopped him from gettin near that bulgless, nook eatin, son of a bitch!

I'll. . . I'm goin to put you dowvn for nowv and go back to wvork. I'm not goin to sleep tonight there is shit I need to do.

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