Chapter 2: ~In that order~

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Chapter 2🙅🏽:

:::Chanyès P.O.V:::

After about 8 hours of flying, like 2 times of throwing up, and one huge headache, I had finally made it to Georgia. The first person I called was my mom, after her crying and telling me how proud of me she was I let her know I had made it, and to tell the boys and my grandparents I loved them. The second person I called was ofcourse Aniya.

***Phone Convo***

Chanyè-"Hey boo I'm here. I got my bags and shit so I guess I'll meet you outside."

Aniya-"Ok bae bae we like 5 minutes away. You at Delta right?"

Chanyè-"Yea..... " I replied looking at the signs around me

Aniya-"Ight I'll see you in a minute."

Chanyè-"Kk byeeeeeeeee!"

***Phone Convo Over***

I pressed the red button hanging up the phone, and started walking outside into the muggy Georgia air. I found a bench and sat down putting my duffel bag under the seat. After like 10 minutes of waiting I started scrolling through my Instagram feed when I saw a picture of.............him, sitting up with a girl, I looked up from the phone and gazed around as I started getting pissed, I scrolled down a little bit more and tried to read the caption, but before I could Aniya and Desean rolled up in their all black jeep. I jumped up outta my seat as Aniya pushed the door open and jumped outta hers with her Air Force ones hitting the pavement, as we ran into each other's arms. We hugged for about a minute before Desean decided to say some

Desean-"Damn yall act like yall ain't seen eachava in years. It's only been a week" he said grabbing my bag and throwing it in the trunk.

"Boy be quiet!"She said glaring at Desean making him throw his hands up in surrender

"Anyways come on girl lets go see our new apartment!"she grinned pulling me into the car.

;;;30 minutes later;;;;

"So is the apartment nice?" I asked from the backseat

"Well....yeah,but whoever lived there before did NOT clean up" she replied looking back at me

"Well at 2,500 a month to rent it, that shit better be nice!" I said

"Oh yeah! And speaking of rent, I met this guy today who works at the school store-"she spoke before getting cutoff by Desean,

"Woah, woah, woah! You met a guy? You ain't tell me bout him!" He said in a serious tone, now looking at Aniya for an answer,I felt the tension in the car after about 30 seconds of no one saying anything,

"Awwww, ur jealous! That's so cute!" I said leaning forward to look at Aniya.

She turned to look at me and rolled her eyes as she blushed. He cracked a smile a lil bit.

"Anyways, as I was saying, he said he'd give us a job at the store. All we have to do is man the register, and help stock. And the best part is that it's 15 dollars an hour." she said,

"Damn that's a lot of money!" I replied shocked,

"I know! He said since we all start school on Monday, we can come start work on Thursday so we don't miss our class orientations."she informed me,

"Kool. But I didn't plan on going to class orientation."I said now looking down at my phone.

"When is Nicki and the rest of the boys getting here?" I said looking up from my phone at her,

"Um,I think she said she's getting here at 11 tonight. But I don't know when the boys are coming. And what do u mean you ain't goin to orientation? That's where you needa be if you trynna scope out the boys in yo class." She said smirking at me in the mirror.

"First of all how do you know I'm not still with Kavon? Maybe we're trying to work things out again.And-"I stopped as she cut me off,

"Cause," she started,"I know how dumb and how much of a hoe he is, so I know he didnt and couldn't go that long without cheating on you." She said as I glared at her

I hate talking about Kavon with her! She hates him and I'm sure the feeling is mutual.Me and Kavon met in ninth grade when he moved from Virginia, and yeah I guess I'm stupid for staying with a guy that's cheated on me before, but you can't just let someone that you've had a connection with for such a long time go just like that........can you? Well I don't care I'm the type of person that's gon try and fix a relationship.....and that's what I'm gonna do.....well try to do at least.but who knows maybe I'll take a break from him......I don't know!

"Whatever, yeah we're not stilll together but we are.......but we're not, it's complicated, but either way I told you Im not trying to get with anyone new while we're here. My priorities are Family, Education, Fun,and Money in that order!" I replied looking back at my phone

Authors Note:

Hi chilren imma be posting an update really soon, prolly sometime tonight. BUT, please give this book some love, like even a shoutout or a comment is highly appreciated! Thanks yall! Love you guys💚💚💚!


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