Chapter One

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Chapter One

Andrew never understood the faction system. At the age of sixteen you take an aptitude test which should tell you what faction you belong in. Abnegation, the selfless. Erudite, the intelligent. Dauntless, the brave. Amity, the peaceful and Candor, the honest. He currently lived in the Erudite sector with his mother, but does he actually belong here? He had noticed that he occasionally strives to learn something new, but not as excessively as his mother.

"Andrew, dear. You better hurry up before you miss the bus." He heard is mother call from down stairs with clear annoyance in her voice.

Andrew rolled his eyes and fixed his navy blue tie. He paused for a moment and stared at himself in the mirror. Combed back brown hair, plain brown eyes and black glasses which he didn't really need. He didn't exactly fit in with the rest of the Erudite attire, wearing black trousers and dark shirts, though he always wore the same navy blue tie.

"Andrew!" His mother yelled.

"Sorry! Was just checking if I had my homework!" He said before quickly running down the stairs, quickly hugging his mother and then leaving. The walk to the bus stop took around five minutes and the bus just arrived when he got there. He sat next to a girl from Abnegation, her extremely dark hair and almost black eyes slightly captivated him, he only noticed he'd been staring when the girl looked at him and grinned.

"Like what you see?" She teased, winking at him. This was not how people from Abnegation were supposed to act. The people who came from Abnegation were usually socially reserved and well-mannered, this girl clearly didn't belong in the right faction.

"" He said awkwardly. "You've got..uh..interesting eyes."

"Thanks." She smiled. "I'm Lis Procter."

"Andrew Davidson.."

"Scared for your aptitude test results today?" She asked.


They sat in silence for the rest of the journey and when they reached the school all the students got off in an orderly fashion. Andrew paused at the school doors and looked back when he heard a train horn. The Dauntless were coming. He fell into a trance as teenagers jumped, rolled, tumbled and fell from the train, all of them cheering and helping the ones who fell. A boy with wild blonde hair and green eyes which shone with excitement helped up a more grumpy looking girl who had white hair and blue eyes. The boy noticed Andrew was staring and shot him a little smirk and then walked over.

"I know I'm one sexy beast but there's no need to stare." He joked before going into school.

"Ignore Tanner. He thinks he's the male version of Aphrodite." The white haired girl said, following the boy who was now known as Tanner.

Andrew stared after them in confusing. That was really fucking weird. He shook off the thought and then went in, his confidence dropping when he realized that he might be leaving his mother behind..

"But once I know my faction I could rebuild myself." He thought. "Faction before blood, right?"


How many times have I tried to re-write this now? Someone seriously needs to start keeping count.

All feedback would be appreciated, the bad and the good.

And yes. I know my grammar sucks but I'm trying my best, just keep it in mind that I'm dyslexic. .-.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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