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Pheobe&Brooklyn: (Both standing in the middle of the empty football field, gazing at each other like lovers, which they aren't)

Brooklyn: (Slowly leaning in as if making a move to kiss his best friend)

Phoebe: (Blinking at the British boy, confused as ever, distracted)

Brooklyn: (smirked like an evil villain, kissed the 16 year old girl's forehead before dashing off to the direction of the goal with the football on his feet)

Pheobe: "You idiot! That's unfiar!" (Runs after Brooklyn to steal the football from the running boy after she registered what her idiot of a best friend had done)

Brooklyn: (Laughed out loud as he used his football skills to kick the football to the goal even with the given distance between himself and the net, turned himself to face the girl running towards his direction) "Oh forgive me!"

Pheobe: (Stopped running when she admitted to herself that she lost to the cheeky boy, again) "You're a cheater. You distracted me."

Brooklyn: (Let out a chuckle as he opened his arms for the slow-walking lady coming to him) "Alright, I'm sorry."

Pheobe: (Unamused expression on her face, arms crossed as she walked toward Brooklyn's open arms, letting out a huff) "Not cool."

Brooklyn: (wrapped his arms around the displeased girl, letting out a sigh that is caused by too much fondness for the American girl) "One rule of Football, never let yourself be distracted."

Pheobe: (rolled her eyes then lean on Brooklyn's chest, causing her words to come out muffled) "Whatever. You always cheat anyway. I hate you a little."

Brooklyn: (Laughed in amusement) "Alright, alright. You don't mean that." (Unwrapped his arms around Pheobe to hold her at arms length so he can see her beautiful face, whispered) "Mr. Oliver is here." (He gestured to the direction where Pheobe's security is standing by the bleachers, eying the two of them) "I'm pretty sure my security is here too. Let's go change and grab something to eat?"

Pheobe: (scowling at the Brit the whole time that he's speaking, gave him a slight nod) "Please grab my from Mr. Oliver when you get yours from your... Lovely security." (Slowly broke into a grin because she knows they Brooklyn knows that she's being sarcastic)

Brooklyn: (returned her face splitting grin because he admits that he finds it really funny, because its damn true) "Will do, princess. I'll bring it to you in the locker room. Get walking now."

Pheobe: (couldn't stop giggling as he playfully punched Brooklyn's chest before turning away and walking to the direction of the empty locker room)

Brooklyn: (jogged his way towards Mr. Oliver, smiling politely once he had reached the built man) "Phoebe wants her change of clothes Mr Oliver."

Mr. Oliver: (Handed over Phoebe's bag, containing her clothes and water bottle) "If you two are done playing, I would have to bring Ms. Grey home."

Brooklyn: (frowned at Mr. Oliver's wishes) "Immidiately? We were planning on having lunch first, before going back home."

Mr. Oliver: "Ms. Grey's dad had just gotten back from Madrid and Mrs. Grey has organized a family lunch to welcome Mr. Grey back."

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