Dibs/Bagsy (whatever the hell you wanna call it)

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So all our heroes are in their first year and thanks to the Slytherins, Gryffindor had a very mucky potions lesson today.

(Malfoy had started it of course but Snape still seems to be blaming 'Potter' and 'Weasley')

As they leave the potions classroom Harry immediately turns to the other 4 Gryffindor boys and shouts "I bagsy the first shower!" 

Dean looked defeated and a bit annoyed he hadn't thought of it first whereas the others just stared at Harry confused.

"Whats a 'bagsy' Harry?" Seamus asked and with the help of Dean, the two boys explained what it was.

"Oh so if you want something, you bagsy it before anyone else can to make sure its yours?" Ron asked skeptically.

"Precisely!" Harry exclaimed "And that shower is mine later."

The boys groaned whilst Harry looked most pleased with himself.


Over the past two years there had been multiple 'bagsys' called about by the Gryffindor boys.

Many other people who had been brought up in a muggle society looked on in amusement whilst other witches and wizards looked overly complexed by this foreign word, Malfoy especially.

"Oi, Potter!"

Harry turned around to face the infamous Slytherin but something was different. His gang of followers were nowhere in sight, no Crabbe, Goyle, not even Pansy Parkinson.

"Malfoy." He nodded curtly.

"Mind if I could have a quick chat with you."

"Um, sure?" Harry replied with a slight uncertainty in his voice.

"If you laugh though Potter you're dead meat, got it?"

Now Harry was intrigued. What could Malfoy possibly want to talk to Harry about that could end up in him laughing at the pale boy infront of him. He nodded to show he understood.

"What in Merlin's name is 'bagsy'?" What.

Harry looked at Malfoy in shock.

He chuckled to himself. 

"I warned you Potter!"

"Wait! I'm not laughing at you Malfoy! Your question just took me by surprise!"

"Oh..." Malfoy responded a hint of pink on his cheeks.

Harry explained the whole ordeal to Malfoy and he sucked up every letter Harry spoke.

Let's just say everyone was quite shocked when Malfoy bagsied a chair next to Harry the following day.


What did ya think?

I appreciate your comments :) DON'T BE A GHOST LIKE NEARLY HEADLESS NICK! 

"I prefer Sir Nicholas if you don't mind" SORRY SIR NICHOLAS!!!!!!!!!

Better go before I annoy him even more!


Love Aly x

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