chapter 1~why why why

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One cut, two cut, three cut, four. I'm bullied everyday. The only reason I'm alive is nash Grier. And even then he has no idea who I am. He's famous, he has like 8.1million Instagram followers how am I supposed to be noticed?! Plus I'm English, he has been promising to come to England for so long and he still hasn't! It hurts. But I guess that's my life. I'm ignored by everyone at school, my parents hate me, my idol will never know I exist.
I so badly want him so notice me, I love him. I finally put the blade away, then decide to check Instagram before eventually falling asleep.

*next morning*

I wake to to my alarm clock. First day of school. Great. I check my phone to check all the boys tweets. Everyone is going crazy on twitter so I have to check why.

"@nashgrier English fans you have all been so patient now is the time for me to cone to you! Buy your tickets here and I will get with you very shortly"

OMG! I start screaming and I run to my parents. I said they hate me, but they are also rich and they will do whatever they can to get me out the house. So they say yes and book the tickets. I have to go by myself but I don't even care, I'm gonna meet nash freaking Grier!! Oh my god I can't believe it!! I need to plan my outfit and everything! I make breakfast and leave for school, this smile isn't gonna leave my face for a really long time. I don't care what those bullies say. I'm meeting nash Grier and they aren't


Hey so I'm @cuddleynash on Instagram
I hope you enjoyed this part, tell me what you think!
I hope you like it ❤❤❤❤❤

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