The Rude Awakening

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Chris POV ❤

I had just got done face timing Cali I was missing her I felt l wasn't nothing without her I couldn't wait till her and the baby got home I was gonna treat them right and never let them go. Noni came and sat by me on the couch.

Noni: I think I want some food you up for McDonald's?

Chris: Nah imma head to the studio you can let yourself out

Noni: well I need to get home to my boyfriend and I don't think he'll be happy about me staying here with another man

Chris : tell yo man I don't want you I have a girl and she's all I want and all I Need

Noni: Bullshit I can not stand guys like you

Noni begans to laugh at Chris

Chris: Noni I'm really trying to be cool with but your pushing my limits I know your cali friend but I really don't mind putting my hands on now do me a favor and stop talking to me before I hurt you

Noni was shocked she thought Chris found that cute but now she knows she has to play hard to get.

Chris POV ❤

I didn't mean to say that to Noni but I didn't have no other choice but to say that. Chris was worried about cali so he decided to call Cali

~phone call~

Cali: what's up baby what's wrong

Chris: I need to leave this house I can't be here with noni she's been flirting with me asking can she lay in bed with me I'm gonna stay a Michael's until you come back

Cali: alright Ill deal with it when I get home baby

~phone call ends ~

After chris got off the phone with Cali he hurried up to his room packing up most of his stuff and rushed outta the house into car he pulled of with anger he felt like Noni was another karrueche who was trying to get between him Cali life.

He got to Michael house safe and sound without a call from karrueche , noni.

***7 days later***

Cali POV ❤

After visiting my father I felt like he was the best after I told him about me being pregnant he told me he was gonna move in town with us. My father took me to the airport and hugged me and smile

Cali father: I'll be there for the baby just let your father get things together baby and be easy with this new boyfriend of yours

Cali: i love you dad and I'll see you sound dad

Cali got on the plane and thought the whole way there she wasn't sure if Chris was telling the truth or not

But Cali was gonna find out today she didn't tell chris or Noni she was coming home today.

Cali walked up chris's stairs slowly but she had walked in on Noni and karrueche conversation

Noni: I can't do this chris playing to hard to get I tired to get him to touch me but he won't and your not paying me enough anyway

Karrueche: girl! You ain't playing good enough cali ain't gonna be into town in another week all you need to do is get pregnant by Chris

Noni: what about Cali baby? That's to many kids

Karrueche: I have to make her loose her baby because we need chris to turn over to us.

I then snook out of the big house rushing to my car and pulling off as fast as I could to Michael house I didn't have time to call Chris I wasn't thinking I was sacred. By the time I got to Michael house I ran into the house yelling Chris's name tears began to roll down my check chris and Michael ran down the stairs.

Chris POV ❤

When I came down the stairs I saw Cali with tears rolling down her face she ran into my arms crying her heart out

Chris: Violet baby what's wrong!

Cali: there trying to take our baby away!

Chris: you not making no type of sense!


My heart had almost sink in when she said that I was anger but yet broken how dare somebody tries to mess with my unborn child I couldn't even think straight I had to take Violet somewhere safe. I called my mom asking if i and Violet can come stay with her until they get done finishing our new house up.

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