i. Sacrifice

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A/N: this is basically a prologue more than the first chapter.. But oh well...
Also go follow Mekameow for making my amazing cover!! Go follow her on tumblr as well: xwatchyourpackx

DISCLAIMER: I do not own teen wolf or any of it's characters! I do, however, own Alex and all of her actions and comments. Though, any similarities is more than likely following the plot of the show.


I watched from afar as my sister and her friends fought the Oni. None of them knew I was there. That I followed them here. Hell, they had no idea that I even knew about the supernatural world in general. They thought I was completely oblivious to all of it. Truth is, I was far more involved than they were aware of.

It's kind of funny how they thought they were hiding so many secrets from me, but what they didn't know is that I was hiding an even bigger secret than theirs. They thought that I wasn't ready for that sort of secret, that it would just put me in more danger being involved in it. If only they knew.

And I knew that if they knew the truth behind my secret they wouldn't trust me anymore. They wouldn't look at me the same or treat me the same. They'd treat me like a freak, like a monster. Not that I blame them though; but I would've rather been treated like something fragile than like a monster. It's easier to feel guilty with a secret than to be looked at like you were a work of Satan himself.

Even though they could've used my help, my secret was far more dangerous than anything they've ever dealt with. Telling them the truth about me would only have caused more problems, and now wasn't the time for that. There was going to be something else that would come up, something way bigger, and then it would be the time.

I had slowly crept in, going unnoticed by everybody, as they were already preoccupied with bigger priorities. My sister had just saved her boyfriend from the Oni that were going to kill him, but what she didn't know is that it would cost her life in return. But that's where I had to step in.

A scream of Allison's name roared out of Lydia's mouth and rang in my ears, queuing me that it was time to play with fate. It was my sister's life or my secret, and while she was supposed to die, she was meant to die, I had never played by the rules anyways so I figured one more broken rule will be fine.

Right before the Oni could stab through my sister I shoved her out of the way, taking her place instead. While the sword stabbing through me did hurt, it would soon heal as though it never happened. Luckily, I knew how to hold the healing off just long enough for them to believe that I truly was dead and for me to make my escape.

"Alex!" Allison cried out, rushing to my aid and holding me in her arms the same way Scott would have held her. "No. No. No no no no. Don't die. Please don't go. You can't leave me. You can't leave us. Alex. Please don't go." She cried, holding onto me as the tears slid down her cheeks. I stared up at her and gave her a soft smile.

Scott stood behind her, staring down at the two of us with his big brown puppy dog eyes. While he was upset that one of his friends was dying, he was also relieved that it wasn't Allison. I didn't take offense to it though, because I understand, which is why I took the shot for her.

"It's okay. It'll be okay. I promise. I love you Allison." I barely whispered, letting my eyes slowly close.

"Please don't go. I love you too Alex. Please hold on. Don't go. Please." Her voice slowly began to fade as I succumbed to the darkness.

Or so it seemed.

A/N: sorry it's such a short chapter! I really wanted to get it published and I've been super busy! I'm working on the next one though!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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