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The guy had only stabbed him out of fright, Yukine knew this and yet he held only resentment towards the man who had wielded the knife.

Thanks to Yato and his '24/7 business', they were both called by a hostage who was tied up in a bank robbery, Yukine was needed to be used in his Shinki form to attack several Phantoms that had tempted a gang of thugs to perform a bank robbery.

Once Yukine was no longer needed in his Shinki form he turned back into his human form, one of the guys - who was dazed from having a Phantom drew out of him - noticed Yukine and obviously had nothing in his brain then to attack the things he was scared of.

The skin of his arm had been slashed open and the blood began to swell over and pour out, Yukine winced and pushed against the wound with his other hand, trying to stop the blood flow.

The guy then passed out along with the others. Yukine looked around to spot Yato, although it was hard too find him in the darkness of the bank, Yukine spotted the jersey-wearing god untying the hostages.

Yukine silently wished that just this once the bond between Master and Regalia did not work, Yukine did not want Yato to look at him with those patronising eyes and scold him like a child.

Unfortunately, luck was not on his side because as soon as Yato had finished untying the last hostage, he stiffened and then turned to face Yukine.

Yukine's breath hitched in his throat as his eyes met Yato's. Yukine held eye-contact for a few seconds before Yato dropped his gaze to where Yukine was clutching his injury.

Yato said nothing and Yukine felt the frustration bubble through his veins.
"Yeah, I know, I'm an idiot for letting this guy knife me, I know what you're going to say so can you stop staring at me now?" Yukine didn't look at Yato once and continued staring at an 'interesting' spot on the floor.

"I wasn't going to say that, Yukine."
Yato was addressing Yukine as a human. What did this mean? Did it mean that Yato was reminding him that Yato was a god and he was above humans?

Or was it that Yato was reminding Yukine that he was (or once was) a human and that humans can get hurt?

Yukine was about to open his mouth to ask but he was cut off when Yato grabbed his hand that covering his injured arm and pulled him away from the bank.

No-one looked at them as they ran through the streets. Yukine felt as if he were invisible, like he was not important. But as he stared at the hand around his wrist he realised that to others, maybe he was considered important.

A surge of warmth flooded through him, reminiscent of a heartbeat, but he decided that it was due to the running.

Yato stopped running when they reached an alleyway, Yukine bent over slightly to catch his breath, he raised an eyebrow at his surroundings.

"Shouldn't we have gone back to a shrine or something? Why are we here?"

"I don't want another god to nose in on our conversation," Yato replied, whilst removing his bandana from his neck.

Yukine was about to ask what Yato meant but he was interrupted by Yato holding has hand out.

"What? I'm not gonna give you 5 yen if that's what you're looking for, I don't exactly have any money."

"Pass me your coat," Yukine knew that Yato wasn't in a mood for joking around so he simply let out a sigh and took his coat off and passed it too Yato.

Yato wrapped his bandana around Yukine's wound, "I'll see too it when I have the right supplies."

Yukine hissed as Yato put pressure on it, "ow! What are you doing!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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