Chapter 1

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Finn's POV

It all started, when I was in eighth grade. I was sitting in Chem class when the new kid came stumbling 5 mins late into our class. I flinched at the noise and slowly lifted my head up to see.

Our teacher, Mr.white patted him on the back and began, "class may I have your attention" by now everyone's eyes were on him,I watched him take in everyone around him. Suddenly his eyes locked on mine. Beautiful grassy green orbs. I was drowning in them.

"This is our new student...please introduce yourself to the class". Mr.white began. Will slowly took his eyes away from mine and rested his gaze on the rest of the class,a smile spread across his face as he began his introduction. A slight blush rose onto my cheeks,I put my head down in attempts to hide it,hoping he didn't see. "Uh well my name is Will Mason. I'm 15 and I just moved here with my parents from Denver and I love to play baseball" he finished. Mr.white then began "thanks for that great introduction,I'm sure coach would love to have u on the field this year,now class I hope you try your best to make him feel welcome and show him around" everyone nodded in agreement. "Pick any seat you'd like Will there's a couple in the back row. Now class lets get started on our next experiment"

Will sat right next to me. Just my luck I thought. That day flew by so fast,I couldn't wait to see him the next day.
He was beautiful. I went home that night and laid in bed, just thinking about his beautiful green orbs I could get lost in,his amazing toned body,his cute hair...wait what am I thinking...this..this is wrong...what's wrong with me.
I remember falling asleep that night,excited to see Will again but scared about why I was feeling this way..about a guy. It isn't normal to feel these things or attractions towards a guy..atleast that's what my father told me. My family aren't that religious but they are big on homophobia and let's just say if I am..what I think I might be. This will only make my life hell.

Soon enough as the months past my feelings only grew more and more for Will. By now he was the star athlete of Fulton High.He was still perfect as ever tho. He was one of the popular kids,as anyone would have expected.

One day I was waiting for my mom to come collect me, me and Will had actually become somewhat friends. I don't even know how but I soon found out. Anyways, Will and I had decided to spend the night at my house catching up on some homework and play some video games.
We were sitting on my bed doing homework,waiting to be called for dinner. When suddenly, he gently grabbed my face and kissed me. I didn't know what to do at first. I panicked,but then I began to kiss back. It was so nice. His lips connected with Mine perfectly. The kiss began to get heated,but before we could continue my bedroom door flung open. As my dad stood mind blown at the door. I pulled away quickly rushing to the door pleading with my dad. His eyes filled with anger as mine welled up in tears. "Get out now" he spat venom dripping from every word "GET OUT NOW!" Will quickly grabbed his things and ran out the door. I felt so bad,I gave him one last look before he ran out the door. I was done for. I knew it. I coward back away from my dad who was by now seething with anger.

Let's just say that night didn't end well. By morning I was barely able to open my eyes from the swelling. He had basically beat me to a pulp. No kidding. My whole body ached,my head pounding, the feeling of nausea and dizziness overcame me. I felt and probably looked like shit.
By the end of that day though. I had been removed from Fulton high and was now being shipped to Rosewood. I cried so much and told my bestfriend Hannah. Hannah was the only person who cared. By the third day our whole house was packed up and on its way to Rosewood.
Suddenly I woke up,crying. Remembering my dream that I've had ever since I moved here. The look of disgust on my fathers face matching my mothers disappointed one. It haunted me. I began to shake and cry. I missed Hannah so much I wish he could just come and hug me tight an tell me everything would be okay. Since that night I never talked to anyone again except Hannah ofcourse. Will had tried to speak to me but everytime I ran away. The words began pounding through my brain making my migraine even more agonising if that was even possible. Gay! Sick! Your a mistake! No son of mine! Images of that night flashing before my eyes.
I squeezed my eyes shut and covered my ears in hopes that it would all stop.
I slowly began to drift off into the dark abiss I loved so much.

First chapterrrr c:
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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