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I Have had it with Terry we've been together 3 weeks and I can't take it anymore he has been gone with Malcolm for a while and he told me he'd be home today. What I'm not understanding is how can you befriend a guy who has ruined your life ima need for him to get his whole entire life right now. We're supposed to be killing him so we can live in peace not become friends with the bastard Terry has too much going on I'm ready to take my ass back home to Jersey matter of fact I think I will do that so how about I call parish so he can take me to the airport I'm just gonna write Terry a letter and I'll be on my way. This is just to much for me and I don't have time although I love him much I can't stay knowing him and malcom are cool. I pick up my phone to call parish

Parish- wassup sexy

Me- I need you to come get me and take me to the airport

Parish- why, where you going

Me- back home to new Jersey things aren't working out between monterio and I

Parish - well can't you just work it out with em you all he got forreal

Me- no he has you and his family and nephew and Malcolm

Parish- don't let that Malcolm nigga phase you pa if you leave you giving him what he wants

Me- ion give af what nobody else wants what about what I want! And right now I wanna go home are you coming to get me or not I'll call a damn cab or Britney take your pick

Parish - well call a cab or Britney cuz I ain't coming

And then I heard the dile tone. I guess since that's his cousin he don't wanna help okay I'll call Brit cuz ion wanna take a cab.

Brit- hello

Me- hey Brit I need a favor

Brit- what you need now bitch

Me- a ride to the airport

Brit - where you going

Me- back home to new Jersey

Brit- okay babe be there in 15 mins be ready

Me- okay see you and thanks Brit

Brit - you my bitch you know I got you.

Just like she said 15 mins and she was here it was time for me to go I've had enough of this fast life I want my normal life back Goodbye Stephan I love you.


I'M headed to my house with Malcolm and starmez I can't wait to let blaque meet him I miss blaque a lot and I've really been doing him wrong by sleeping around on him with Malcolm but trust me when I say this man is very Flirty and charming I can't help it as we get out the car and walk over to my house I notice a key on my door step and my heart dropped I rushed in the Hz Blaque! I yelled
Blaque!! ayo blaque!...nothing. I ran up the stairs to our bedroom and no blaque but I seen this letter on the bed I pick it up and see it's from blaque


Hi baby I just want you to know I love you and I always will but I took the time to realize your life has been too hectic for me and I can no longer deal with it. You are friends with a man who has ruined your life by killing people you love including your twin sister and I cannot be around that I left and went back to Jersey do not come for me move on with your life my number will remain the same oh yea we kept no secret from each other so I'm gonna tell you me and your cousin parish had sex 4 times while you we're away I was angry with you for not coming home I am truly sorry for that please forgive me but call me okay take care

Your love

After reading that letter I could do nothing but cry I really loved blaque and to know he had sex with someone I just found out was my cousin like a month ago is crazy but you know what ima just do me and raise my nephew no time for love and I gotta get outta the game so ima just tell Malcolm to chill here with mez while I go to the trap .

Me: aye Malcolm do you mind yal staying here while I go to the trap and handle business with powlo

Malcolm: sure but where's blaque

Me: he left but he's the least of my worries I'm better off without him one less life that is out my hands

Malcolm: go ahead tho I got my son

Me: cool be back soon

With that being said I was out the door and on my way to the trap.

At the trap house

As I walk inside the trap I see Tyson and he looked like he knew something I didn't so I called em and just nodded my head cuz I kinda know I'm in hell kitchen right now I smell a death trap. As I walked into my office I see powlo and he doesn't look happy to see me

Powlo: "so you finally come back aye " he said with a evil eye

Me:" I'm sorry im a day late boss I have a young one to look after now "

Powlo:"didn't I tell you two days "

Me:"yes but I will make that up to you I promise boss you know I'm your best man "

Powlo:"that you are but how you gone make that up all that time missed "

Me:"put in extra work get you yo money and then I was thinking I would leave the game and live a normal life " I said seriously

Powlo:"hmm I'm not sure if I wanna let you go like you said your my best guy I need you out here "

Me:"come on powlo this ain't me no more man "

Powlo:"I need $500,000 right now and you can be a free man "

Me:" deal " I said going toward my desk where powlo was

I asked powlo to step to the side and he did so then I moved a shelf and reveal my safe I unlocked it and handed powlo the 500gs I had in there

Me:"there's your money I been saving extra money on the side for hard times( I lied knowing I had billions from sweeter than honey and my work here combined plus tinks no my moms life insurance I got this was chump change )"

Powlo:" get outta here before I change my mind"

As he said that I was eager to get out the Hz so I rushed out and hopped in my ride and headed off. 10 minutes on the road I notice a truck following me and it begins. I pulled my gun from my hip and shot at them while still driving and they sped up and began shooting at me and the bullet hit my car and it kinda shocked me so i swerved god I hope I survive this

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