Life happenes when your busy making other plans

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On a starry night the moon shone down on the most wonderful gift from heaven. A baby girl. She had blond fluffy hair on top of her head and the most amazing blue eyes. She was princess Falicity the first. A royal by blood. Her giggles filled the palace. The news was rejoiced throughout the land. The profit was born. She would soon grow into a beautiful queen and unite the kingdoms.
...But it was not to be. In grace and beauty the princess grew. And in greed the king reveled. He wanted to keep his daughter to himself. He was very selfish. and impatient. He thought it fair for he thought she didn't want an arranged marriage. The princess did not tell her sweet papa that she was fine with whatever the kingdom needed. The other kingdom, Speirgard, thought it only fair the king stay true to his word. The prince of this kingdom, prince Dominique, grew in honesty and kindness. The young prince, not knowing anything of this, went on with his studies.He was very smart and very  honest. He has blck hair of his father and green eyes of his mother. On the night before Falicities coronation day Speirguard happened to attack. The princess hid in a wardrobe, her ladies scurried away. The prince happened to be with the army. He found the princess hiding. He convinsed her that no harm would come to her. It was love at first sight. She gazed into his mint green eyes dreamily. He was after all her first kiss that night. When time came for Spierguard to retreat for they were out numbered the prince regretfully had to go. They never united kingdoms but they never forgot. The two grew to be very good friends, their love never spoken aloud but both kingdoms knew. They were the secret lovers. A legend told to their  children, then their childrens children.

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