Amanda was a sophomore in high school. Amanda was walking to school to school on a beautyful monday morning, when she had stopped and saw a little boy sitting on the ground crying and she stopped and asked what is wrong? the boy said i lost my best friend and Amanda was like well do you know where he went and the boy said no. Amanda asked do you want me to help you look for him and the little boy said yes. Amanda knew who the boys friend was , last week on the news there was a story about a boy who was hit by a car and he passed away in the hospitial. the little boy had heared about it but he thought it wasnt true because he knows that god would never take away his friend so he ran away to find his friend and he had lost his way home. Amanda felt really bad for the little boy she knew that his family must be really worrried for him so she took the little boy back to her house and asked her mom to find his parents.