Seven Minutes in Heaven

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If you don't like boyxboy sorry but I was asked several times to give it a try. This story does develop to a boyxgirlxboy so.... This story is for a mature audience.  Have fun and let me know what you think.

@AYClaudy I asked a while ago if I could dedicate the next in these shorts to you. I hope you still don't mind.

"Janice," whisper yelled Stephanie pointing toward a dim landing. "I'll be right back," she continued rising only to be stopped by a hand grabbing anxiously at the hem of her dress. Stephanie paused to stare down into her friend's excited face.

"But we're about to play seven minutes in heaven," whined Janice in a stage whisper that caused everyone to turn to look at both her and Janice. Stephanie shook Janice's hand off annoyed by the other girl's theatrics. "Do whatever you want," replied Stephanie trying to keep the annoyance she felt from her face while she watched Janice pout with her eyes glued toward the group in the middle of the semi-circle.

"I have to go to the bathroom," grumbled Stephanie hurrying away toward the flight of stairs that led downward toward the guest bathroom she knew was there. "You'd think I'm going to miss something," she continued snidely knocking lightly at the door before pushing it open. "They are going to go into the coat closet and pretend to make out. Big whoop," ended Stephanie sarcastically.

Stephanie wasted a little time on the toilet humming her favorite song as she responded to a few texts from a sick friend that wasn't able to make the party. After about eight minutes she released a long heartfelt sigh finally finished up and washed her hands. Stephanie glanced around the small room with a frown when she didn't see anything to wipe her hands off readily available.

With a roll of her dark brown eyes she turned to leave when out the corner of her eye she saw the corner of what looked like a towel sticking from a small alcove. Stephanie shrugged and walked over to the alcove and started to wipe her hands on the cream colored towel without thought.

"Mason this way!"

Without thought Stephanie moved into the dark space of the alcove just as the bathroom's door opened.

"I thought someone was in here," came a voice as the door closed.

The sound of the lock clicking into place puzzled Stephanie and caused her to peek around the corner. Why are they locking the door, thought Stephanie. Her breath caught and her eyes widened upon seeing Mason Russell and D'Angelo Thompson. What the what, screamed Stephanie to herself shuffling backward until her back hit the glass stall hoping neither man heard or saw her.

Their kissing! Their kissing each other, screamed Stephanie to herself.

It didn't take long before curiosity overcame Stephanie and slowly she eased her way toward the edge of the alcove to peek around the corner. Oh lawd take me now, thought Stephanie as she watched Mason fingers move down D'Anglo's face before his fingers grabbed the back of the other's man's head and pulled him deeper into their kiss.

Stephanie watched spellbound as their tongues battled for dominance. The sounds of their breathing excited her in a way she couldn't begin to explain and warmth bloomed between her legs.

"Take my shirt off."

Stephanie quickly but silently moved back into her hiding spot at D'Angelo's words. She waited until the rustling of clothes stopped before she peeked out again. Today is my lucky or unlucky day, thought Stephanie as she watched Mason running his hands up and down D'Angelo's taunt stomach.Definitely an unlucky day, thought Stephanie wishing beyond anything that Mason's hands were hers.

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