Everything Exists Until Proven Otherwise.

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After Mr. Cole's class I have Advanced Functions, and I've gotta tell you, they aren't lying to you when they say the math is ADVANCED, it is and I barely understand half of it. My best friend Ben makes fun of me; he says that I’m a nerd and thus should be good at math. I always tell him that I am dork not a nerd, there’s a huge difference. Nerds are smart and dorks, well, dorks are just lame. I happen to be the latter.  Mercifully, after an hour of hell, I have lunch.

As I walk the entire length of the school to my locker, Ben falls in step with me and begins to complain.

“‘Romeo, Romeo, where fort art thou, Romeo?' Well, Juliet, he's outside just below that balcony of yours, so why don't you jump off it and meet him, so this god damn play will be over."

"They both die at the end anyway.” I tell him.

Ben rolls his eyes, “Thanks, Will. I am so glad that you informed me of that; I wouldn’t have known otherwise.”

I smirk, “Trouble with English?" I ask.

"No, I understand the play, I just don't like it! I mean, how in the hell of it could two people know they are soul mates from one glance? It's completely impossible, it just couldn-"

I cut him off, "You don't know that for sure, you've never been in love."

He scowls, "Neither have you."

"I'm not the one denying love at first sight. As far as I’m concerned everything exists until proven otherwise.” I rebut.

We reach our lockers, which are two lockers apart, and put all of our crap away. I turn to talk to Ben but he is looking behind me.

"Hey, speaking of love at first sight." He points over my shoulder, and as if it is was going to be anyone else, there is Bella, about 7 feet away, sitting at her locker.

Ben saunters over to my locker and wolf whistles at Bella. I respond by kicking him the shin

"Ow! Jesus Christ! What was that for?"

"She's a person Ben, not a car."  I whisper forcefully.

I turn and look at Bella to see if she noticed, she hasn’t seemed to, but so many guys whistle at her that she probably doesn’t care anymore. Thank God. My cheeks are as red a cherry.

“She sure is a one hot piece of ass.” Ben remarks, looking at Bella up down.

“That’s disgusting Ben.” I tell him glaring. I can’t stand it when he talks about girls like they’re cars or something.

“I bet she tastes as sweet as she looks.” Ben says in response.

“Are you going to eat her or date her Ben?” I ask.

“Both.” He laughs, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Gross, why were you even thinking about that!” I practically yell.

Ben stifles a laugh.

Shit. If there’s a way too makes things awkward, you can count on me to find out.

Bella looks up at us and waves but doesn’t comment. Ben waves back.

Shit. I want to turn around and wave but someone glued my feet to the floor. I feel like there’s a butterfly conservatory in my stomach.

I inch forward, “Ben, we better get to the cafeteria, you want to buy lunch right?” My tone is urgent; I hope Ben can tell

"What's the hurry? We've got seventy five minutes." Ben smirks and ignores my obvious unease. "Let's go say hi."

Notes Of A Love Stricken DorkWhere stories live. Discover now