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I decide to head home, though home is just the upstairs of my fathers club. Opening the door the scent of cigarettes and beer go in my nose, I cover my mouth and nose.

Though I'm surrounded by this daily I haven't gotten use to it at all, it makes me appreciate the smell of mold and rotting food instead.

I hear nothing odd or out of place, just the sound of banging and people yelling. There's the sound of smashing beer bottles also, and a few fights come too.

But it just seems to black and white. To normal. To repeated, like a skipping CD or record. Just the same thing, everyday, every hour, of my wasted life.

I actually grabbed my phone, it was behind a few whiskey bottles. I just know certain people who leave there stuff laying around in the same spot everyday.

Hey, you haven't replied since yesterday? Something wrong?

I sigh and think of how to reply, either lie or tell the truth. I type a quick reply, I don't put that much thought into it actually. It's just my mood.

It's not going good..

That's all I put, that's all I had to put. I know he is going to start bombing me with questions, but I don't always answer them all. Stubbornness.

Why? Dad? Past? Future?

I bite down on my lip, it's kind of all I guess. Mostly dad though, he just knows how to make me feel down I guess. I know that's one of the huge reasons though.

Kind of all I guess?

I find myself wandering to the kitchen to get a drink, a normal drink, something that's called water. Something is hard to find in this house, not unless I get it for me and only me. Pulling at least three from the side door I head upstairs, now upstairs only has one room and that's my room.

It isn't huge but, it isn't small. The really nice thing is that it has a balcony attached to it, my father was originally going to have the club up here but when my mother, when she was still alive, she told him how I needed my space, when I was a teenager. I still need my space.

I'll always need my space.

You said 'guess' I'm coming over, put in a movie okay?☺️ I'll be there to listen..

A small smile forms on my lips, he knows how to make my day a little brighter.

Let me tell you about my room a little more, there's the one corner where my bed is, another corner is the closet, the third is a television and the last corner is boxing objects.

Punching bag, gloves, tape, weights, those kind of things. That's where I go if I need to beat something up, when I'm stressing out or just in a really, really bad mood.

Opening a water bottle I chug it easily, that's what I do with water. I don't make it last, I devour it. I'm never dehydrated, ever.

A knock comes from the door below, a knock, so it must be Hydro. For my father doesn't knock on the door, he slams, pounds or just bursts in.

He doesn't care too much.

I go downstairs and open the door, I see the bright eyes ahead of me. Smiling I wrap my arms around his neck, he puts his arms on my waist and holds me there.

The blue haired male, left arm covered in a tattoo sleeve, and small gages. Not the huge ones where they expand there whole ear.

"How's my Poison Princess doing?" He asks pulling away from me, I give a small smile to my friend.

To make this clear.

We aren't dating.

We just have known each other for a long time, a very long time and we are close. Close as lovers but, we aren't infatuated with each other like lovers would be.

"I'm eh, rough day," he gently rubs my temples, I let out a sharp breath. He sighs and gives it a kiss, I know if he was my boyfriend I'd be squealing like a school girl but this is his way of comforting me.

"Another one?" I nod my head, holding it down and hiding.

"Another one.." He pulls me into the house and up to my room, no, there will be none of those scenes. Oh no.

"Have you told anyone else about this Ivy?" He asks, I shake my head at his question. He sighs and pulls me into another hug, then lays me down on the floor. Are we cuddling? Yes.

Is it awkward? No. Nope.

It's normal between us now.

"What movie did you put in?" He whispers, I give him a small smile and whisper back to him,

"It's a surprise.."

Though it really wasn't, it's a movie we always watch when Hydro or I is in a bad mood. Or just when he come over, which that is a lot. He's the only company I like around the house and being at the house. For my father brings in women and men, for more drinks and for more, you know what I mean. Especially the women.

The familiar castle shows up after the few seconds without music, I can just feel the smile come on his face.

"Yaay! Classic! Aladdin!" He squeaks, I sit up and look down at him.

"You want Doritos or something?" He shakes his head and pulls me back down to his chest.

"No, your all I need, your my food and drink.." He says winking at me, I let out a loud laugh. My mood is every so slowly starting to lift.

"Your hungry and thirty, oh boy, you crazy son.." I mutter, he smirks and bites down on my ear.

"Oh you know it!" He says in his seductive voice, or his manly voice. One of those two, it didn't suit him but it sure makes me laugh.

Arabian Nights start to play, and Hydro's attention was on focus.

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